I am Writing this so we can kind of Start a Wave, kind of make some Magic Happen from East to West, West to East, the way it Happens, like Hellenization. Kind of the North and South and East and West of Things is what I call it. So let’s do it. When I was maybe 14 I heard Jerry Rubin on Old Donahue recordings, and I wanted to know what Socialism was. And I found some Things, of Course Carl Marx and he was like a Writer for the Federalist or something I found out later, he got his Start around Federalists, something directly to do with like Whig History and Abraham Lincoln leading up to like the place where he Worked.
So I was like 14 or 15 Searching for Information about Socialism, and one of the main Things I remember is that there are Socialist Nunneries, and that that is kind of maybe the “Best” form of Socialism we could say, it’s the Nuns following Jesus’ Teachings, whereby like the Prostitute or whoever Anoints Jesus for Death, and the others don’t get it and they’re like “You stupid Whore we could have used that to Feed 100 Families!”, because of what Jesus was Teaching, and he actually responds though saying “Anywhere the Gospel is shared, so to will this Deed she has done be shared. You will always have the needy, You will not always have me.”. But so the Nuns are Teaching about Jesus and it’s a Socialist Thing, which is ok for them because they like Run a Newspaper and a Foodbank and a Chapel, etc, so Socialism Works for like that Society. Like a Commune in the Middle of a Capitalist Society, the Commune can Work in that context, without like the Overthrow of the Factories and all that. The Nuns are just Governing and kind of Running a Trust, that kind of “Social” Economic Endeavor the way Unions are a Socialist Endeavor but we have them here. That’s all the Nuns are doing.
But then there are Nazis too. The White Christian Socialist Nationalist Workers. Or just Christian Socialist Workers or something they are called sometimes, and those Christians are literal Nazis. So I Learned about them at that Time also. And my Point in Writing this was something else entirely, but related to this Socialist Stuff I had Learned about.
So there was a Socialist in America, I don’t know if he was from somewhere else but he had like some kind of Publication and People picketing in his name, his People weren’t just Socialist, he was their Teacher, or their like Socialist Priest in a way, and I say that because he had other Teachings, almost Esoteric in Nature, but so his Studies are what I was more interested and less so the Socialism, I actually completely forget Everything related to him and Socialism, I couldn’t name You a Socialist Position of his. This was maybe 17 or 18 Years Ago, so I don’t remember his name, and Searches like “Socialist Longitude” aren’t bringing it up. But so, that gets to the Point, Latitude Existed for Thousands of Years, but Longitude is something more Recent. And so this Socialist Guy was well known for Teaching about like Longitude and Captain Cook or the Cooke Islands or something. It had to do with like the Pacific Ocean is what I remember, and he didn’t invent Longitude or anything but he had some kind of Teachings related to this, maybe related to the Device used, and it was like a Cave maybe on the Islands that was important to what he was Teaching. And this kind of struck me then as like “Wow” and there are Pictures of People with Protest Signs and they are Slogans related to him, and it struck me as like kind of more Revolutionary than Socialism even, like the “Wow” was in relation to how this Teaching was connected to this Person. I was not like “Wow’d” by the Socialism, but by this kind of whole Web he had Created of History and Politics and the kind of Esoteric Nature of it. You could compare it to like the Thule Society that inspired Hitler, but this wasn’t Racist, You could even say Hitler was like more Right Wing, Fundamentalist type, like a Fascist. And this was completely Left Wing, but was like about Longitude and Captain Cook and it was almost like Thor Hyerdhal is another Comparison, better than Hitler, even though Hitler and the Thule Society didn’t see Eye to Eye and they actually Wrote a Book called “Before Hitler”. But it was like Thor Hyerdhal, but this almost Governing Ideology, for Government. Not that his was so Great I jumped on Board or anything, I don’t even remember his name. I even kind of never mentioned it, leading me to forget his name, because it is attached to him his Socialism, and I didn’t want to be like kind of putting myself into the Category of Socialist by sharing these Concepts about Longitude and whatnot. But I do think someone should find his name and share his Studies with Everyone. But also have them Read this so they can view it this way.
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