The Van Kush Family (The Science of Family)

in blurtdallas •  20 days ago 

There are Comparable instances to what is going on now throughout History, and there are like Words for what’s going on, it’s not all just Troy and Ebla, like the Bible and Homer and the Argonauts. So, there is a Time that was called the Time of 5 Emperors, and it can be Directly added to the Historical Timeline we have, like it’s not just People Groups, and Genes, and Carvings on the Rocks. There was the Time of 5 Emperors and we can relate that back Directly back to Hannibal Barca, where the term “Hannibal is at the Gates” comes from. And so he is the same Genetic People Group as Septimius Severus, and we see Marcus Araelius in Meditations say that like “Septimius taught me to Love my Kin, and about Polity” and he means Kin like Tribally, not just like his Direct Family and like Spouse and Children, but like how Jewish People do. So he’s Talking about the Influences on him even before the Time of the 5 Emperors. So then Marcus Araelius, his Son is like how there are like Elvis Impersonators, but he’s doing like Hercules in the Gladiator Ring, Wearing a Lion Skin and using a Club and Everything, like a Mace, or a Cudgel, in the Tarot it’s the Wand. This has associations to like the Boomerang and the Throwing Stick, and the Minoan Genius. And then, so, then that was a Preparation for the Time of 5 Emperors. This all relating back to Hannibal Barca, who Minted Currencies of him and his Father as Hercules.

This is related to Hanno the Navigator, this is Related to Pre-Columbian Contact, there are many Slave Writing from Rome by Hanno’s, so the Carthaginian Slaves Ruled Rome as Slaves in the instance of Rome. Leading up to the Time of 5 Emperors. Also then Macedonia, Phlegra. Associated with Sceria, and Delos, Zeus’ Beeman Cave, so Philip II he Reads Homer’s Books, but he didn’t Read it like a Greek. And Homer means “Hostage”. Philip had Aristotle Train Alexander. And Alexander like goes to Tyre and they are just like, “Fuck off, we’re just going to live in the Sea.” Like the Phaeacians, Phaiakians, from Homer. And Alexander Builds a Bridge to get to them using like Stones from their City on Land. Also like Remus and Romulus, as told by Livy. It’s like Camelot kind of, where it comes out of the Sky. Like Hannibal Barca was like, “If Hercules took a Boat across the Alps, I’ll take 50,000 Men”. And he had to call in for like Elephants from India. But so then also, the Megarian Decree. These People followed Prophets, their Gods were like Mopsus and Idmon, they were Sun Worshippers.

The Athenians were just kind of like “Fuck Magera” because they had like Philosophical Disagreements at Aristotles Lectures and Things, and it was kind of just a conflict going on at the Time. And the Athenians didn’t expect it, but it caused the Spartans to start like the Worst War in Athenian History. There is like a Persian Story about Marathon and Thermopylae but this one is about like the Nephilim, or the Phoenicians, like Carthage and Sicily, etc. and this is the Group like David meets in the Bible, like he Kills Goliath, and Hiram, Master Mason and King of Tyre, Sends People to Build the Temple for Solomon, and that’s where the Freemason’s say they come from, they say they Built the Temple. And it goes back to like Psalm’s 133 and Mt. Hermon and the Wax Headcones.


This was Written for Fan Theory YouTube:
To propel anything Forward that You have found, I wanted to let You know about the Things I have put together. The First Thing I did was that I realized Ptolemy was Wrong, Ptolemy says that Wadjet is Leto, and Wadjet and Leto are both the Goddesses of Midwives, but Wadjet is the Light Beams of the Sun, Ra or Re being the Energy of the Sun and Wadjet being his effective “Incarnation” and his Daughter. So Wadjet is not Leto, Wadjet is Theia. And this is important because like Bes and Bastet, Wadjet is associated with the Wadj, or the Djed. So this completely changes the Framework we use to Study Egyptian Mythology now, and that’s not all I Discovered:
You will find that I have Identified the Lineages of Angels in the Bible, this is similar to Muhammed who declared the Arabs were Ishmaelites, I’m doing like that, but this is also comparable to the studies that formed the American Checkbox System, White - not Hispanic Hispanic Black Etc, How the White People looked at the Wheel being Discovered and traced themselves to what we could call “East Iberians”.

The Phoenicians, Phaiakians, Punics, Nephilim, or Angels. That is what I have Traced in History, and like Muhammed I have identified us in the Bible, and I have gone a Step Further and used Haplogroups and Genetic Markers.

So remember Anhur-Shu, Mehit-Weret, the Porters carrying the Military Royalty on the Sudan, etc? Moses and his Wife as an example. Me and my Wife, etc. a Quantifiable, Repeatable, Scientific Phenomenon, I call it “The Royal Military” and it’s like saying “Tyrannosaurus Rex”. It’s not the Swiss Guard, or the British Royal Guard. We can compare Ancient “Neolithic Temple Culture” to Congress, or Royal Families, the Greek Talk about Gods and Giants Fighting, and Hiram and Goliath are Giants, so this places Freemasonry, Hiram’s Mason’s who Worked for Solomon, amongst the Giants. So they can be compared to Congress, or Royal Families. Ours was like a Royal Family, and the Military. Not a Volunteer Force, a Royal Military.

WNG (Hieroglyphic Name)

I just want to Point out that if my ONLY Discovery was the Fact that I, me, Rev. Ryan Sasha-Shai Van Kush, Christian name: “Ryan Alexander Gallagher”, revealed for Everyone that the Hieroglyphic Letter “T” is a Wax Loaf, is a Wax Headcone, that would be enough. Just with that at could Safely place me in the Category of Genius and I could Coast on that Achievement for the rest of my Life. But I have done FAR MORE. I identified Kyphi as Ingredients, I added Galen’s Cold Cream Recipe to the work the “Egyptian Magic” Skincream Guy did, revealing that this was all something done at the Library of Alexandria. “CeraVe” the Skincare Brand got a boost as I added their Science to the Data, making this about Curing Skin and it even is about like Superfood. They got into it and hired Michael Cera after this became a kind of Whirlwind. If I had just Discovered all of that, I would rest well ahead most Humans as far as Life Achievements, and Contributions to Society. But I have done FAR FAR MORE.

We are in the midst of another Whirlwind that has connections to the John Negroni Pixar Theory and Royal Mysticism as this is Written.

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