Content Curation Report for today.

in blurtcuration •  8 months ago 

It is our pleasure to introduce you to some articles we have considered supporting. You can go through each one of them and find some content that you really like and that inspire you.

Newvisionlife Curación.png

Es para nosotros un placer presentarles algunos artículos que hemos considerado apoyar. Puedes ir a revisar cada uno de ellos y encontrar algo de contenido que realmente te guste y te inspire.

@blurttribeGuess the Word and Win Blurt #667 ! 30 Blurt Reward
@imransoudagar1000 Blurt Power Daily Delegation Giveaway Wednesday, 19 June, 2024
@hanginThe Beauty of Glass Architecture Skyscrapers.
@drutterJune in the garden means planting beans
@jgbEs necesario disfrutar también de la soledad
@shariarahammadHighlights of six months of my life: joys and experiences
@cryptopieI am happy with my dialysis treatment lately because I am not getting anymore that so much thirsty
@maxinpowerMal wieder laufen gewesen 👹🍣🎎 Mein Japan
@helengutier2Do you believe in Reincarnation? / Cree en la Reencarnación?
@zessyHow Do Healthy Emotional Relations Establish and Work?
@helengutier2The Paths of Life / Los Caminos de la Vida
@afzalqamarCorn seeds benefits for health and Visit corn seeds stocks
@blurtconnect-ngWave of Comments Contest // Let's dialogue : #245 / 2% TO @NULL
@baibouaThe Quiet Beauty of Early Morning in Phuket Old Town
@world-travel-proTravel Pro Blurts!
@logiczombiei think it's important that you know
@aldatapiaLas Piedras (Verso libre)
@jcchelme(ESP/ENG) Reviviendo Sabores de la Infancia
@helengutier2The dance of the firefly / El baile de la luciérnaga
@jgbSomos quienes decidimos nuestro destino, así que adelante

Escribe contenido exclusivo para Blurt

Dentro de nuestras premisas está que puedas crear contenido nuevo para Blurt, ese aporte es muy valioso porque intentamos motivar la escritura para darle identidad propia a nuestra querida cadena de bloques, por ello, si deseas formar parte de esta comunidad, debes tener presente esta condición, así como también compartir con otros usuarios y comentar sus contenidos, porque más que una cadena de bloques somos una cadena de seres humanos que todos los días estamos generando actividades nuevas en Blurt para hacerlo crecer de forma orgánica.

Así mismo esperamos que puedan vivitar cada publicación y demostrarles amor, no solamente votando este contenido seleccionado sino también dejando un comentario que agregue valor al articulo y a la plataforma que tanto amamos.

Write exclusive content for Blurt

Within our premises it is that you can create new content for Blurt, that contribution is very valuable because we try to motivate writing to give our beloved blockchain its own identity, therefore, if you want to be part of this community, you must bear in mind this condition, as well as sharing with other users and commenting on its contents, because more than a chain of blocks we are a chain of human beings that every day we are generating new activities in Blurt to make it grow organically.

Likewise, we hope that you can experience each publication and show them, love, not only by voting for this selected content but also by leaving a comment that adds value to the article and to the platform that we love so much.

This report was elaborated by @Oneray

Thanks for the collaboration and the love of all

@blurthispano, @blurtlatam, @blurtpower, @blurtcuration, @dsc-r2cornell, @jeenger, @megadrive, @jacobgadikian

This is a curation Report generating using Curation tool by @tekraze

Report generated with curation tool

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