RE: Take a look at the upcoming changes made to OCC's Share and Earn contest.

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Take a look at the upcoming changes made to OCC's Share and Earn contest.

in blurtcontests •  2 years ago 

Thank you @onchain-curator for coming up with this initiative, but please I have a question. I understand that entry starts counting from Monday morning, but does it mean that if an author submits his work before the contest begins he won't get upvoted?

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Nice question. We want to make sure that people are also reading Instead of just posting. So, when we say entry starts from Monday, it means that any post submitted prior to that moment will not be seen as an entry to the contest.

Generally, any post submitted after we've published an announcement post for each week of the contest will be valid as an entry.

By the way, we still curate posts on the blockchain so, even when the contest is on hold, any quality post we come across on the Blockchain will most likely get a vote from us.

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Thank you @onchain-curator, I understand better now.