When does one truly rest in peace?

in blurtconnect •  3 years ago 

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Resting in peace has become a norm or a traditonal way of consoling loved ones or someone who loss a beloved one.

Some people even goes further to pray for the dead that God should forgive the person and grant him/her eternal rest!

While it looked normal, we need to ask if it is the right thing to do or even if the prayer is needed at all?

For some of us who have read the stroy of Lazarus and thevrich man, we will recall that there is no repentance in heaven. Even when the rich man asked that father Abraham should tell Lazarus deep the tip of his finger in water to quench his thirst, he was told that there is a gulf separating them.

In another instance, the Bible is clear when it says 'it is appointed unto man to die once, after that, judgement.

Also, repentance is only possible to do as a living. No one that is dead can be preached to any longer.

It follows to say that only those alive can ask of that themselves.

So to truly rest in peace, one must have worked his/her salvation and he truly saved till the end.

If we go by Bible standard of judgement after death then asking for rest for a spirit that did torment many orvdaughter of jezebels or those who never truly repented, then it is a waste of time.

While some still believe on the mercy that a great attribute of God, to claim God fanvstill forgive. They forget a potion of the Holy Book that says 'can we continue to be in sin and say Grace should abound, God forbid'.

It follows then that we should work out salvation, repent genuinely, forsake sins, live holy life to aftually rest in peace.

Even on earth, we say no people for the wicked, how do we then expect people who resused to be saved to rest not to talk of 'in peace'!

Best guess is lake of fire or hell fire as the case may be. So if you truly want to rest after death, you need to be truly saved.

Thanks for your time. I am @smyle

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