The devil also preaches

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 


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Since we were very young, we've been hearing about the second coming our our Lord Jesus Christ!

The Bible is detailed about the events that will preceed the Second Coming. While most of these events are already unfolding, some people still find it hard to truly believe that He is coming.

While this might want give some true believers a kind of concern, consideing the torment and burning in the lake of fire, i for one sad about the reality.

I am not too much surprised by it because in the first place, satan is the prince of this world.

He rules it and do whatever he likes with it and this explains while things of his gain more grounds than things of God.

Originally, he was a choirmaster before his fall and it explains why worldly songs sell faster that Gospel songs.

He and his fallen angels have been able to block ears of many fro the Gospel.

One thing i learnt recently which caught my attention and which i think the world should be aware of is the fact that 'the same way believers preach and try to win souls to God and depopulate hell, is the same way satan and his fallen angels also preach to believers in attempt to lure them back into sin.

This outrightly explains why so many bad things have found their ways among believers.

When satan succeeds, we simply call it backsliding! Which is a very bad thing in Christianity majorly.

It is even better you are yet to know Christ than to know Him and now go back to not knowing Him. Victims of this bad reality receive double portion of torment. The reason is simple.

Once a soul is won for Christ, Heaven rejoices and such is noted in Hell. This make satan and his fallen angels to double their efforts in an attempt to bring the 'saved' back to their kingdom.

The ore reason the Bible in the book of Ephesians says we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

So as believers, we need to know that starting the race is good but finishing the race is better and in fact very awesome.

Don't think because you are saved then you should relax, no! It means you should be battle ready because your adversary the devil, is a roaring lion, roaming about and looking for whom devour!

May we not be devoured!

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