Today's topic seed; Take Responsibility
Bible text; proverbs 19:1-10
My focus is on V3. The foolishness of a man twists his way, and his heart frets against the Lord. The message says “ people ruin their lives by their own stupidity, so why does God always get blemed?
Most people make the wrong choices all the time concerning MARRIAGE PARTNER, PICKING A JOB INVESTING IN A BUSINESS etc. In many failed marriages, if they will be sincere, their partners saw these traits glaringly before but believe God will change he/she. Wrong thought.
“No matter how much you pray, a goat will not become a monkey ”. Don't forgot that responsibility takes place before making a decision.
What I am saying is that, everything is not prayer, you also have a role to play before God's intervention. God help those who help themselves.
Stop blaming God for your inresponsibility, no matter how long and hard you pray, God will not do what you need to do by yourself. Start to take responsibility for your life, be sincere, be wise and go far before you take any step on your decision.
Thank you for your time.
Always Remember To Pray For Your Love Once
Still Me, @princefm
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