in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 


During wars, the usual and major target of the both groups is to destroy all military base and camps of the other. Definitely, the military of the federal government would return to attack this camp as a sort of retaliation. Hence, this camp is no longer safe, these were Thomas's thoughts as dawn approached. He related his thoughts to his dad who also thought about it and saw sense in it. Bernard told his wife about it and his children too. Catherine said it was true because during virtually all wars in the world, bringing down military strength of the opponent is the number one priority of war. Stephanie suggested they leave the camp with immediate effect as the FG military might regroup and come back more fortified anytime soon for retaliation. They thanked the official who harboured them wishing him speedy recovery, prayed for him and his wife and urged them to stay safe. The official on his own part pleaded with them to stay a little longer but however seeing that they've made up their to leave, wished them all well too and they bid goodbye. ***** They continued their journey which took them about a week to reach their hometown. On reaching, the villagers were glad to see them return safely and in good health without being bullet or explosion injuries. They thanked God on their behalf because they've been worried about their safety. Bernard sat down with his kinsmen as they discussed the recent happenings in the community and the country at Large. Susan went in to arrange and clean up the house with Catherine, Stephanie, Felix and Thomas while Benita and Jake played around. After the cleanup, Catherine went to the kitchen to prepare what they could eat as they actually spent a lot of energy on their way coming. She was assisted by Stephanie who engaged her with series of conversations. When their dad was done discussing with his kinsmen, food was dished as they all ate and retired to their rooms. Thomas, Benita and Jake wanted to go outside and play but Susan refrained them from doing that . She told them that even though there village is kind of peaceful right now, it doesn't mean that they shouldn't be cautious and careful as the war is still ongoing. They felt bad but has no other option than to go back in the house as their mother adviced. Soon they all slept off as light fades. ** The next morning, Catherine and Stephanie were seen sweeping the compound as there were many shedded leafs littered everywhere. Susan sent Felix and Thomas to go and fetch water from the nearby stream as they needed to wash a lot of clothes and other things. Benita and Jake helped her wash plates which they used in eating yesterday. Felix and Thomas on reaching the stream, there were no one there just the birds singing and the clattering sounds of trees. Felix dipped his foot in the water which was so very cool, he looked and Thomas and smiled telling him that the feeling is amazing. Thomas who was previously aftraid to step into the water on hearing this, quickly removed his slippers and joined his brother. They started splashing themselves and within a twinkle of an eye their bodies became wet. It now dawned on them that their mum would scold them as they've actually spent a lot of time there. At home, Susan and Bernard were worried as it's been long since Felix and Thomas left to fetch water. Bernard couldn't bear it anymore as he left in search of them. Felix and Thomas were still playing in the stream as they heard some footsteps approaching , they all turned towards that direction. Behold, a man armed with matchet approached them. They were frizzed to their spines, the man kept on coming to their direction in a fierce manner. Felix screamed and began running while Thomas followed suit but however Thomas was unlucky as he was grabbed tightly by the man. Felix kept shouting for help and kept on crying and beckoning on the man to leave his brother. The man gave him a resounding slap which knocked him off while he did same to Thomas and carried him away.

To be Continued
Why did he pick Thomas? And where is he taking him to?
Next up : Episode 4

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