in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 



Mothering is defined as the social practising for independent children. It the dynamic process of social interaction and relationship. Mothering is typically associated with women and is typically mothers. It is however the caring the female role in the contraction that is highly influenced by gender believe systems.

The main method to motherhood is aimed at making sure that their children and husbands are well taken care off and concern realizing the works that mothers do such as cooking, washing clothes, giving births,ensuring daily routine for children etc.

This methods interview mothers through how they feel and what they do. Mothers shares the activities known as nurturing practice even though they vary as individual across cultures, this activities includes nurturing, protecting and training their children. The mothering done individually and the actions are shaped by their individual believes about their family.




The childhood nature is shaped by their own past experiences with their interaction between mother and child thereby creating deeper meaningful connections. Motherhood has traditionally and compulsory ensure that for any woman to be a mother, she has to stay at home to raise the children, yes they may be culture contradictions and diverse arrangement practise that challenge the intensive mothering ideology.

Not all families experience motherhood yes they have mothers but their mothers do not practise motherhood. This topics reminds me of mother her care towards us, her prayers towards us ,reading our minds even when we are hiding informations from her,her encouragement and support towards us and the family.

Motherhood comes with a responsibility and what is that responsibility is to ensure that your children and husbands are happy and it comes with a sacrifice and was the sacrifice is endurance, that is enduring a lot of things including pains from children, from husbands, from relations, at work, from friends infact is not easy to be a mother and to practise motherhood.

I salutes every mother that practise motherhood, they are the best and I love you all mothers all the world.


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