Welcome to my blog, I feel pleased to discuss with us some tips about carnivorous plants, hope you will like the lesson.
Less I forget let me first of all bring it to the awareness of the community about the term CARNIVOROUS PLANT.
Carnivorous plants are plants that get their food through animals and some other insects. that is there get hold of animals and rap them till death when there must have died their will keep them there till it decays same goes to inspects and other things.
How ever carnivorous plants still gets their energy through the help of photosynthesis (sun) and it's also know that carnivorous plantslike growing where the soil is less and poor in nutrients especially nitrogen, such as acidic bogs. Also Carnivorous plants can be found in all continents except Antarctica as well as many pacific islands.
Carnivorous plants are deathly , there have this special skills of trapping things like animals, insects and even human beings that is the person was that unfortunate ladies and gentlemen please beware of carnivorous plants.
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