Parenting is the master of all profession

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

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I will like to appreciate the efforts of all the real parents who give everything they have to ensure that they give their offspring a good life, I was raised by my mom and I understand how tedious parenting can be especially when just one of the parents have to the work of two.

Parenting is a stage of life you mustn't rush into when you aren't prepared or ready because the impact of your unpreparedness will only affect the life of the saints you bring into this cold world we live in. We must understand and possess what it takes before advancing to that stage.

Many times, I have gotten into a heated discussion with my fellow Nigerians who still go about with the mentality that having a newborn opens the way for success in the family. A lot of people (mostly people with little or no education) are trapped in that mindset and it is one of the reasons why the poverty rate in Africa keeps growing.


The post isn't about tackling the excessive birth of children, I will like to shed more light on why I believe that parenting is the master of all professions.

There are lots of professions in the world and it would amaze you to know that you can find traces of all professions in parenting.

Let's go deeper into my claims.

Teaching is the biggest profession for me and that's one of the biggest tasks in parenting.

People think moral values are the only things parents teach but that's wrong. I didn't attend kindergarten because my mom was a full-time mom at that period, she took up the job to teach me everything about education that I was supposed to learn at that stage and she did a great job.

Despite missing school due to financial issues at some point in life, I wrote my first school leaving examination at the age of thirteen years. I was one of the best students all through my school years and that tells that she laid a strong foundation for me then.

Aside from the educational part, parents are natural teachers because they will have to teach their kids all through childhood and even in adulthood. I learned a lot from my mother just like every other child learns from their parents.

She taught me practically everything I know, cooking, building relationships with people, money management, how to be a responsible man, discipline and she was even my number one geography and agriculture teacher. My teachers have invited her twice just to appreciate her.

Every parent is a teacher and some fail to play that role well because they haven't learned what parenting means well enough.

Just like the military defends the country from attack, parents are their kid's protectors.

Children are exposed to attacks that necessarily don't have to be physical ones, it could be psychological attacks and parents are responsible for protecting their kids.

A boy named Sylvester died as a result of bullying in a boarding school some months ago. The parent claimed that he was reluctant to resume school that term and even told his parents that he didn't like the school anymore, they should know something was wrong because he doesn't joke with school.
They didn't figure it out and just took him back to the school where he ended up losing his life. They failed to protect him, they ought to know that something was wrong and their reaction should have been either going to the school to tackle the situation or withdrawing him from the school.

Parents are protectors and it is their responsibility to keep their children away from any form of harm, I was so bold at age 12 and I attempted killing a snake I saw from the bathroom window.

My mom saw me running and just followed me, thank God she did because the plank I took had been condemned by termites and it just broke into two while I was staring at the snake.

She intervened and killed the snake, I didn't even know how because I was shocked when the stick broke. She killed scorpions countless times because we lived in a terrible environment for some time and she remains my number defense minister till today even though I and my siblings are doing more of the protection now.

She has taught us that we must be protective with how she protected us and I will gladly pass it on to my children as well.


Parents are doctors.

Do you agree with this? Before the intervention of medical practitioners, parents are the first responder to their child's illness.

I was trained with herbs and mom was so perfect at it, I was eleven when I first visited the hospital. I had chronic typhoid that was beyond her power but before then and even till today, she made/make herbs first before seeing the doctor.

She is not a fan of drugs and injections, she believes mostly in herbs. All parents have developed the skill of caring for their children one way or the other before professionals take up the job. They do the cleaning of cuts and other minor treatments that can be handled at home.


Parents are judges.

What does parenting have to do with legal practitioners?

We often don't see these a lot because we don't pay attention to them, every parent makes judgments which either affect the life of their kids positively or negatively as they grow and aside from this, parents with more than one kid make judgments every day because the kids will definitely always have one thing or the other to complain about.

Kids learn some decision making skills from their parents and I can't tell my mom was a senior judge because she has four kids who are all boys.


Parenting is the master of the profession and every parent deserves honors and accolades for a job well done. Every parent would take the hit or glory whether do take their profession seriously or not, it is best to take the profession whole wholeheartedly to avoid regrets.

Thanks for reading.

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