Magic of Nature

in blurtconnect •  2 years ago 

The weekend arrived quite fast, it seems like yesterday was a Monday and now, it's already Sunday. Where does time go, noh?
Anyway, I'm just going to share some fungi photos that we had on Friday when we went for a little adventure, a short walk in the woods.


Per Google Lens, these were Galerina Marginata and said further that they are potentially fatal. Dangerous, yeah? No, we didn't touch any of them so we are good hehe.
I searched further which brought out another name, Kuehneromyces Mutabilis, and guess what? It says these kinds are edible. Oh well, I'll just have my eyes feast on their beauty hehe! I don't have the guts to pick them up and bring them home for the table :)



It fascinates me how things come about almost everywhere and so I just call them part of "nature's magic.

Thanks for reading

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