# Characteristics of Ripe Bananas on the Tree

in blurtconnect •  9 months ago 

Banana is a popular tropical fruit and has many fans all over the world. This fruit grows in many varieties and is often consumed in various forms, both fresh and as an ingredient in other foods and drinks. To enjoy delicious and sweet bananas, it is important to pick them when they are ripe. How can we tell when a banana is ripe on the tree? Here are some characteristics that can help you identify it.

1. Changing Skin Color


The first characteristic that can be seen in ripe bananas is the change in skin color. Unripe bananas usually have green skin. However, as bananas start to ripen, the skin will turn yellow or even orange in some varieties. The bright yellow color is the main sign that bananas are ready to be harvested.

2. Skin that starts to have spots


In addition to color changes, when ripe banana skins will also start to appear small brown spots. These spots are a sign that the banana has reached a good level of ripeness. However, don't worry too much if there are some of these small spots, because they add to the sweetness of the fruit.

3. Softer Skin


Bananas that are ripe on the tree will have skin that is softer to the touch. When you hold it, you will feel the skin bend and pliable more easily. On the other hand, bananas that are not yet ripe will feel harder and difficult to bend.

4. Increased Aroma


Ripe bananas will also give off a stronger and more fragrant aroma than unripe ones. You can smell it when you are close to a banana tree or when you hold the fruit. This aroma is a sign that the banana has reached the ideal level of ripeness.

5. Sweet and delicious taste

Most importantly, the surest way to know whether a banana is ripe is to taste it. Ripe bananas will have a sweet and delicious taste. When you bite into it, it should taste sweet and not too bitter. Bananas that are not yet ripe tend to have a bland taste and a harder texture.

6. Easily Detaches From Trees


When a banana is ripe, the fruit usually falls off the tree easily with little effort. You can break or cut banana bunches from the tree easily without damaging the fruit. Bananas that are not yet ripe will remain firmly attached to the tree.

7. Stable Size

The size of the banana will also not change much when the fruit is ripe. So, if you see bananas that are stable in size and not changing too much, that is a sign that the fruit is ready to be harvested.

In choosing the right time to harvest bananas, it is important to pay attention to these characteristics. If you want to enjoy bananas with a sweet taste and perfect texture, make sure to pick them when they meet the criteria above. Tree-ripe bananas are a great choice to enjoy in a variety of dishes, from healthy snacks to the base for delicious cakes and smoothies.

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