in blurtconnect-ng •  2 years ago 

Goodmorning Blurtians!😍
Trust y'all are cool!
Today is the last day of February!
All thanks to God!🙏

Okay... Let's take a glimpse into the Legal Profession.
Law is a professional course studied in various tertiary institutions around the world. The duration of studies depends on the country in view. In Nigeria for instance, It's a 5 years course after which such a person is expected to go to law school for a year in order to be called to bar. Once a person graduates from law school and called to bar, he becomes a barrister.

However as law students who hope to become lawyers in the future, there's this need to practice what would definitely be done in the future. Thus, the need to become student barristers/advocates.
In classrooms, the theory aspect of law is taught however practical advocacy is being taught in Chambers and practiced in courts.
Chambers in legal parlance, refers to the private office of a judicial officer where he hears motions, signs papers, and deals with other official matters when not in a session of court.
In Universities, Chambers now serve as a platform through law students learn how to:
• write brief arguments
• write power of attorney or other legal documents
• learn how to speak and advocate in court
• learn how to speak confidently in public
• harness their legal writing potentials, ect.
Each University always have many Chambers of Justice. For instance, the University of Calabar has:
• Sen Ndoma-Egba Chambers of Justice
• Gani Fawehinmi Chambers of Justice
• Lex Fori Chambers of Justice
• Lord Denning Chambers of Justice
• Inner Temple Chambers of Justice, etc.
Law students are expected and adviced to join a chamber for its numerous benefits.

In other to become a bonafide partner of a Chamber, the intending partner is expected to pick an application form, fill in his/her details and then pass a screening test!
Before the actual induction.


On my induction day/Call to Chamber. It was fun and interesting. Food wasn't a problem as it was surplus.😁

We were also given certificates which concretized our call to chamber.


This is my certificate of Call to Chamber


Here are my colleagues who were called to chamber with me.

With this, we are now Student Barristers and can practice within the four walls of University of Calabar!

Thank you for Reading!♥️

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  
