It was so sudden.

in blurtcomedy •  2 years ago 


Jyotirmoy from Unsplash

I still do not know how people would earn a degree or Masters in looking to the extent that they forget themselves on the spot. My younger brother was good at this when he was a little boy. We are always rest assured that he would return home with full capacity of gist without missing any scene. We don't need to go there, our brother was there for us. So, it would be as if we saw it too, and we would happily explain everything to another person and the gist goes on like that.

According to my Aunt, she has been warned against this stuff, but she wouldn't listen until she got her dose of a real life torture.

My Aunt went to the market where she saw people fighting by the roadside. She had already gotten her things and ready to go home. That was how she forgot she came to get some things and should be going home. She stood with her hands around her waist, watching and listening at the same time.

I am sure if those absent at the scene should ask my Aunt what happened, she would download everything without mincing any words for them.She was so good at that habit of looking until she forget herself.

When they were throwing stones and shouting at each other, she stood watching how the fight would end until she heard something hit her forehead. It was a stone that went straight to her shining forehead that would enable another person to see himself or herself. And not only that, as she was trying to save herself, her leg slipped through and she fell inside the big gutter by the roadside. My Aunt got home stained and her forehead got swollen.

Ever since then, no one taught her to always mind her business and focus on wherever she was going.

Another one similar to it was my friend's Dad's case.

He was always known to settle disputes among those that fight in the neighbourhood. In Yoruba, they call them “Olulaja” meaning “one who settles quarrel.”

There was this couple that loves to fight every time. Everyone already knows them and forget about them since they do not listen. Every time they fight, a woman will run to call my friend's Dad. He would happily go to settle a fight, and this went on until he got what he never expected.

Rowan Freeman from Unsplash

He just barbed his hair and had a bald one. You don't even need a mirror to look through because his head stood as a mirror, and one would see his or her shadow from his head.

The couple fought again and this other woman came to call him that they have started again oo.

If he knew what was coming for him, he wouldn't have taken a step at all but sat down with his wife enjoying.

As he got there and was trying to settle their fights, the wife carried a big frying pan and was about to hit her husband, but it landed on my friend's Dad's head.

Do you know how painful that would be? He immediately withdrew from the fight and face the other woman who came to call him
“Look here woman! If you ever call me to this kind of thing again, you won't like my face that day”. He hissed and went home feeling the pain from within.

His wife saw him and pitied his condition and asked “Didn't I warn you about this?”

Thanks for your time.


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