Today I would like to share my all time favourite BRAISED CHICKEN. You can have 2nd helpings with just the sauce

in blurtchef •  3 years ago 


A. Marinate chicken upper thighs with 1 tbsp oyster sauce+pinch of pepper
B. 4 glove of crushed garlics+thumbsize ginger cut into slices+1 star anise.
C. Heat wok with 3 tbsp of oil. Pan fry chicken and brown both sides of chicken on medium heat. Chicken half cooked take out.
D. Using the same oil add B. Fry till fragant then add 2 cups of water. Once water boiling add chicken in. Cover wok or pot and put on low fire. While simmering, add 1 tbsp of black (dark) sauce+1 tsp of sugar and let it simmer till chicken is tender. Add water if sauce is drying up.
E. Once chicken is tender..take out and let it cool abit before u chop to smaller piece and arrange on plate.
F. Thicken sauce with 3 tbsp of water mixed with 1 tsp of corn flour. Pour onto chicken.


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