Blurtchef - Saute Mudfish Soup

in blurtchef •  2 months ago 

This weekend, my brother-in-law gave us a mudfish, bulig/dalag in dialect. Do any of you tried to eat mudfish? Back in Manila, my growth place, I never saw any of it. Mom never bought that fish or maybe she did, but she knew I wouldn't try to eat it, so she never told me. Hubby decided to cook Pesang Bulig or sauté soup mudfish. It's a famous dish in provinces that needs frying then sauteed with a lot of ingredients. And today I will show you how to properly clean a mudfish.


First, hubby cut the fins then I was the one that was going to remove the scales. Then I slice its tummy and remove all that needs to be removed. Hubby's relative said that I'm really good at cleaning mud fish. I didn't remove the gills because hubby wants it. I used salt and vinegar to remove it's fishy taste. Rinse it thoroughly, it will remove the slimy texture of the fish. I put a little bit of salt again and it's now ready to fry.


3/4 kilo of cabbage
3/4 kilo of potatoes or sweet camote
2 medium onions
6 cloves of garlic
1 piece of ginger
2 table of fish sauce
Cooking oil
1 and 1/2 to cup of water
1/4 kilo of banana




After cutting and washing the ingredients. Get a large pan put cooking oil, add garlic, onion, ginger, caramelized and add fish sauce. Then add water, seasoning and pepper cover after it boils put the fried fish, potatoes or camote let it simmer for a while. Now add the banana and remaining green leafy veggies and you're done. Taste according to desire. We ate a delicious lunch I thought the veggies weren't going to be cooked. But hubby wanted it to cook half, he doesn't want saggy vegetables. My brother in law said that it tastes good



Thank you for reading,


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