There might be a joke in here somewhere.

in blurtchef •  2 years ago 


In case you forgot what you were drinking.

A great recommendation tailored specifically for me.

They even put a piece of grass inside the bottle for that extra flavor. I'm not big into flavored vodka but this does smell like sweet grass and I approve.

Żubrówka is a Polish brand of vodka that's located in the Białowieża Forest. That's between Belarus and Poland.



What a beautiful spot. I wonder if any bottles are in that hole?

I often wonder how to pronounce these words with different alphabet types like this. All I know is that Żubrówka equals tasty bison vodka. I've heard you can mix this with apple juice to create a Polish kiss. I'm not a big fan of apple juice but I'll try it at least once.

Strangely enough according to Wikipedia they said this about the United States variation

Before 2010 Żubrówka was illegal in the United States because the grass it is made from contains coumarin which the FDA classifies as a "substances generally prohibited from direct addition or use as human food." Since 2011 the manufacturers have made a version of Żubrówka from rye grain which aims to have a flavor similar to the original.

I've been eating grass my entire life and feel just fine.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Where seldom is heard

A discoraging word

You really live up to your part.

Tag #weedcash if you post this on hive.

It's ironic that vodka was legal but Żubrówka grass was not.

So strange I know. I wonder how long it'll take for grass to be available in all states?

Green is Legal for medical use
Blue is Legal for recreational use
Gray is Illegal

A fair amount of gray I see according to Wikipedia.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A lot has changed since I left the states. There are very strict penalties in Korea for even the smallest possession of of this grass or even seeds. My kids love maps. This one is pretty funny. We used to cross the state border to buy fireworks. Now those same states that made fireworks legal made grass illegal. LOL

For example, the South Korean Embassy in Canada wrote (after cannabis use was legalized there in October 2019) that "it is illegal for South Koreans to use cannabis, even if they are in a region where cannabis is legal". The Korean police also recently announced in an appeal that South Koreans can be punished at home if they smoke cannabis in a country where it is legal.


I wasn't aware of this... and I'm learning something new each day. Thank you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yup! Work places test employees for THC at the employee's expense. For us it is once a year and since it is fat soluble it is better to look for another natural high. Foreigners especially should be aware of the laws in a country before visiting.

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