Some beautiful photography of farmer cultivated rice and some of its beautiful benefits.

in blurtbooster •  24 days ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I hope everyone is well, I am well by the grace of God. So today I also come to talk to you about a beautiful topic. Today I will talk to you about some beautiful photography of rice. Rice is a major food grain, which is used as a staple food in many countries around the world. The scientific name of rice plant is Oryza sativa. It is mainly cultivated in tropical and sub-tropical regions.



It is mainly cultivated in Japan, China and Korea. Its grains are small and round. It is mainly cultivated in India, Bangladesh and Southeast Asia. Its seeds are long and narrow. Well we cultivate all the crops very nicely with care and use them very nicely. Rice plants are usually 3-6 feet tall and have narrow and long leaves.



Rice flowers are small and straw-like. The number of rice grains produced from a single rice plant can also be very high. Rice is produced from rice, which is the staple food of the world. Polao, khichuri, biryani etc. are prepared from rice. Oil and fodder are also made from rice husks. The crops are very beautiful and we like them very much.


Rice occupies an important place in the culture of many countries. It plays a special role in various festivals and rituals of South Asia and East Asia. From an economic point of view, rice cultivation is a major source of income for farmers.

In the case of paddy cultivation, it is possible to increase production by following proper care and modern farming methods, which can play a special role in food security and economic development.

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