Some beautiful photography of paddy field and some description of paddy production growth.

in blurtbooster •  23 days ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I hope everyone is well, I am well by the grace of God. So today I also come to talk to you about a beautiful topic, today my topic is some beautiful photography of paddy fields. Paddy fields are usually found in the rural areas of Bangladesh.


These lands are mainly located in the lowlands where water accumulates and facilitates rice cultivation. The characteristics of paddy land are - The soil of paddy land is generally loam or silty soil, which has the capacity to retain water. The top layer of land is usually flat so that water can spread evenly.



Paddy land is made suitable for irrigation. Canals, dams, or other irrigation systems are used to ensure water supply. Some waterlogging is maintained in paddy fields as rice plants require sufficient water. Rice seedlings are usually planted by hand or machine and are tended regularly.


After the paddy is ripe, the crop is usually harvested manually or mechanically. The paddy field looks green and has a lot of water, which sometimes looks like a pond or a small river from a distance. If we try, we can cultivate the land more beautifully and get a good yield. .

A nice request to all is that we will plant the paddy land nicely and expect good yield from the paddy. If our land is good, our crops will also be good inshallah. So friends, as of today, until now, everyone will be fine and healthy. God is Hafez.

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