Some beautiful photography of the traditional outdoor food of Bangladesh.

in blurtbooster •  9 days ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I hope everyone is well, I am well by the grace of God. So today I am also here to talk to you about a beautiful topic, today my topic is the beautiful photography of some food. The name of the food is pithuli. Our village Bengali name is Pituli



However, we see these foods in different types of independence ceremonies. These dishes are our favorite and everyone likes them very much. These morsels are made from cow and goat and buffalo meat. But these foods are very dear to cloth and it is known as traditional food.

Baby goats, locally known as "gagalchana", look very sweet and attractive. These baby goats are loved by all of us and loved by all. They have small and soft bodies, smooth skin and bright eyes.



We cherish freedom beautifully. Usually the color of the body of the kid can be white, black, brown or mixed. Like the kid. It will be very beneficial and very beautiful for us if we take care of these things

Food is fed to these little goat kids. But these are some beauties that are introduced to their mother and given milk. These foods are very dear to us and there is no problem in preparing them. Rape will be fine God Hafez will be healthy.

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