Some beautiful scenes of football games.

in blurtbooster •  5 days ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I hope everyone is well, I am well by the grace of God. So today I also come to talk to you about a beautiful topic. Today my words are that we went to play football. I will show you some things from that football game. Let's start the speech friends.



When we go to play football, we make a beautiful land in front of us and plow those lands and we go to play football. But we went to play football a little next to Pathagram Dam. But in our football game we conceded many goals so our football game was very good.



Don't believe so many nights playing our football we messaged a lot of staff and we played a lot of wrong plays from us. They also did very well because of which they won the match and lost the match. But the important thing is that we played not to lose the match.

You don't like football we all like this game of football very much. If we want we can play football and discover new sports. As of today, until now everyone will be fine, God Hafez will be healthy.

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