Some beautiful photography of sesame, a quality crop of Bangladesh.

in blurtbooster •  27 days ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
I hope everyone is well, I am well by the grace of God. So today I also come to talk to you about a beautiful topic, today my topic is some beautiful photography of sesame, a quality crop of Bangladesh.



Sesame is an oilseed that is small, rich and nutritious. These seeds are usually white, black, or red in color and are rich in nutrients. Oil is extracted from sesame seeds, which is widely used in cooking and nutrition.

Sesame seeds have many benefits, such as providing high levels of protein, fiber, and healthy fats. Also, various types of insects and moths cannot be seen inside these sesame seeds and they need to be removed from these days. The symbol of this crop is human demand.



Provides B vitamins and various minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and iron.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are also present in this crop. However, the face of happiness is bright and this crop has provided a lot of demand to people.

Sesame seeds are commonly eaten as a spread on salads, breads, and other foods, and sesame oil is used in cooking and skin care. Besides, this oil has various uses. Friends, as of today, everyone will be fine and healthy. God is Hafez.

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