North experience to San Remigio

in blurtbooster •  last year 

One of the most unforgettable memory of April 2023 was the family’s first ever trip. Thankful and forever grateful to have a cousin who invited and brought us to the Northern part of Cebu Province, San Remigio. This was the first time I have experienced to have a tripped with almost all the members of the family.😊😄
We went to Casa del Mar Polo Club Resort.

The beach has a very wide shoreline and the sand is very white.

As a plant lover, I will always make it sure and get the chance to find my happy place. In short, plants are my happy place.


Those greens as always makes me feel relaxed, relieved, and refreshed. Some of the lovable greens and with blooms that I will certainly never failed to capture.



Those first time hands on experience tripped was great, but what really amazed me is the part during at night...the cold and fresh air that touches my skin. That feeling that is absolutely an opposite feeling when you are in the city. Below, is the photo of the night view of San Remigio. Captured the night with love is awesomely perfect.

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  ·  last year  ·  

That's a great vacation! The Philippines is indeed home to many beautiful beaches!🤠❤️👍