Is hypnotism Real?

in blurtbooster •  3 months ago 

Hello Blurt Fam!

Back in my college days, I witnessed a classmate crying inside our classroom. She was unable to control her emotions due to an unfortunate event she encountered on her way to school. No one could talk to her as she was crying heavily. After a few minutes, she regained control of her emotions and shared her bad experience with us.

On her way to school, a stranger talked to her on the jeepney. Since the stranger seemed so nice, they talked until she felt comfortable with him. She didn't know that the stranger had bad intentions towards her. She was surprised when she handed her phone to the stranger, and after a while, she was shocked to find that the stranger had already disappeared with her cellphone.


At first, I asked myself, "Is it real?" until one day, I personally experienced it.

There was a man whom I didn't know who came to me and asked if I had a bottle of Efficascent. Since I didn't have any, I politely told him that I didn't. I thought he would leave since I didn't have a bottle of Efficascent, but he didn't. He talked to me as if we were friends.

"Don't talk to strangers." That phrase was permanently etched into my mind since that day. That man, whom I treated kindly, hypnotized me. I didn't know how it happened. Everything occurred so quickly. I ended up giving him 500.00 PHP, even though in my mind, I knew I wouldn't give him my money, but I had no strength to disagree with him. It felt like I lost all my strength, and all I could do was follow what he said.

After a few minutes, my strength returned, and the man, that stranger, disappeared. I immediately checked my wallet, and it was gone. All I could do was cry heavily, not only because of the money but also because I was genuinely scared. In that moment, I remembered my classmate who had experienced the same thing back in our college days.

So, is hypnotism real? My answer is yes, as I personally experienced it. That's it, Blurt Fam!

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