The Balloon Caterpillar Game

in blurtbooster •  last month 

Hello Blurt Family!

After we had our first game, we went back to our assigned hall for a short break. We were given a few minutes to drink water and go to the restroom. After our short break, we started the second game which is the Balloon caterpillar.



I was the one who explained the mechanics for this game, but I also participated as a player because another facilitator was available to run the game and allowed me to join.



Since my group won the first game, we aimed to win the second game as well. However, we were disqualified because our balloon burst.

We just laughed when the balloon burst. The person responsible apologized to the group. We told him it was okay. We didn't blame each other; instead, we understood and patted his shoulder as our way of saying it was alright.




Before the awarding of the second game, the facilitator asked each group to choose one representative to share the lessons or learnings they gained from the game. The person who burst the balloon volunteered to represent the group. His insights from the game impacted me greatly.



We ended the second game full of learnings. Since it was still early, our bosses asked us to play another game before we took our lunch. In my next post, I will be sharing about our impromptu game. Until then, Blurtians.


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