The Maze Runner

in blurtbooster •  last month 

Hello Blurt Fam!

On the second day of our team building, I got up early since there were eight people in the room and I wanted to take a bath before everyone woke up. I am the type of person who does not like to take a shower in a hurry. So, while everyone was in a deep sleep, I got up and enjoyed the bathroom alone.





After we had our breakfast, we immediately started our first activity, which was a maze run. It was time-based, meaning that the group with the shortest time to complete the maze would be declared the winner.





We were given a little time to create a group yell. Luckily, my groupmates were talented, and we came up with a nice yell. After we had presented our yell, each group was placed in the maze. The game started with loud shouts and laughter; everyone enjoyed the game. Can you guess who the winner is?


Well, my group was declared the winner. The prize was not that huge, but we were happy because of the teamwork we showed throughout the entire game.


The awarding followed after the first game was finished. But before the award was given, each group was asked how we performed in the game, what strategies we used, and what lessons we learned from the game. It was nice to hear each group’s answers. After the awarding, we went back to the beach for another game, and I will be sharing that in my next post. Until then, Blurtians.



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