Agricultural classification of plants

in blurtbooks •  2 years ago 

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Agricultural classification of plants is the type of classification based on the uses of plants. In this classification, crops or plants are grouped into the following categories based on their uses.

Some of these are:

  • Cereal plants: These plants belong to the grass family and they provide carbohydrate, e.g are maize, rice, millet, guinea corn, wheat, barley and oats.

  • Pulses (grain legumes): Pulses are crops which provide proteins for man and animals when eaten. e.g cowpea, soyabeans, groundnut, Lima beans and pigeon pea.

  • Roots and tuber crops: These crops produce tubers under the ground and they provide carbohydrate to human and animals when eaten, e.g. cassava, yam, cocoyam, sweet potato, Iris potato, beets and carrot.

  • Vegetable crops: Vegetable crops provide vitamins and minerals to human and animals when consumed, e.g. tomato, amaranthus, onion, okra, cauliflower, spinach, bitter leaf and water leaves.

  • Fruit plants: Fruit plants also provide vitamins and minerals to human and animals when consumed, e.g. orange, banana, pineapple, mango, pawpaw and cashew.

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