Jokowi Flashbacks on Different Directions from WHO on Masks: It turns out he's confused

in blurtblog •  last year 

President Joko Widodo flashbacks to when the Corona (COVID-19) pandemic hit Indonesia in 2020. Jokowi said Indonesia and all countries had no experience in overcoming the Corona pandemic.

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"It was a very tough challenge, a problem that was very, very hard for us to face at that time, and there was no standard, no standard, because we all did not have experience in dealing with this pandemic," Jokowi said while giving directions at the National Coordination Meeting on Transitional Handling Covid-19 and National Economic Recovery 2023 which was broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube, Thursday (26/1/2023).

Jokowi then recalled the story when the WHO changed regulations regarding the wearing of masks. According to him, at that time the world was panicking because of the pandemic.

"We remember at the beginning what WHO conveyed, I asked them, 'the president doesn't need to wear a mask, at first, those who wear masks are coughing, only those who get hit'. Not a week everyone has to wear masks, it turns out he are also confused, we are also confused," Jokowi said.

Jokowi also said that at that time a lot of personal protective equipment or PPE was needed to treat Corona patients. Jokowi said that it turned out that Indonesia was actually one of the countries producing PPE at that time.

According to Jokowi, during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, all levels worked together. Jokowi said the central and regional governments were working under a lot of pressure because this was the first time they had overcome a pandemic.

"But the macro and micro management that we are doing is really very effective, and I see all of us working because of pressure from problems, pressure from problems, that's what I haven't seen before," Jokowi said.

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