The story of a stormy night.

in blurtbd •  3 years ago 

Then a sixth grader. The month of Baishakh has just begun. I went with my parents to my grandfather's house in the village. It is very hot. My grandmother said the jackfruit roll is hot. Rough dryness all around. The soil cracked. One afternoon Suddenly a black cloud gathered in the northwestern sky. Lightning flashed from time to time. Occasional gusts of wind Push. As soon as evening came, the whole sky was covered with black clouds. Everyone was worried about the unknown. The gusts of wind gradually increased It kept growing. Mama turned on the radio to listen to the weather. The sound of the radio was not clearly understood. Mama is still trying to listen to the sound by listening to the radio. I was sitting next to Mama. Suddenly a loud one The rush came. And with a loud noise the big branch of the mango tree on the doorstep broke. Intense somewhere on the side Lightning struck. My chest is far away in fear and panic. There is no electricity in Nani's house. In the light of the hurricane, everyone ate quickly. Everyone The bed was made. But no one could sleep. It will be about ten o'clock at night. Heavy storms and hail began to fall. Of the wind Suddenly, it seemed that the house would be blown away. The west corner suddenly became loose from the poles. That in the wind Began to step. With a thick rope from Nana, the pole got stuck. Mama and Dad ran away There. Nothing looks good in the dark. I saw the lightning flashes from time to time. Mama Baba was trying hard with the rice in the house Poles to tie him but can't. On the bed my mother younger sister Farhana Nani all Allah Allah Began to do. At that moment, the tin of the house flew away from our heads with a loud noise. Nani screamed and cried. Grandma The sound of crying will make my new Farhana and my mother Haumau start crying. Goyal is the birth planet Hamba phone man Arati tree The gust of wind all together seems as if the Hour has begun. Nana started giving Azan loudly. Mama He shouted and told everyone to take shelter under the bed. Or something could be hurt by the storm. We all took shelter under the bed. I did not understand how long it was going on like this. When I had a goose in the morning, I was under the bed. Meanwhile mud water. Like me I forgot to cry. Amma can't see where Nani is or where anyone is. I got up from under the bed and saw where the house? No house. There is a coconut tree on the house. Where a tin can has flown. A tin hanging from a plum tree. Gugu There are dead birds in the yard. I ran towards the door of the house. I saw that the branches of the banana tree, betel tree and kadai tree were broken on the way On. Parents, grandparents are all cleaning them. I had heard about the Kalavaishakhi storm before. But I had no experience of my own. But this time it was an experience.

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