Teen Bakery 🍩

in blurtbakery •  3 years ago 

Long Weekend

The kids were over this weekend. It was my son and his girl who came to stay. We did the normal things, walks, cards, movies, games, and out to dinner.


Then Sunday afternoon came and my son offered a trade. They wanted to make cinnamon rolls, but it takes more hours than there are left in the day. We will trade you cinnamon rolls for another day here.

He did not have to trade anything, but don't say anything to her about it.

She has some recipes in her bag of tricks that I would love to learn and her is what I observed.

She took dough made of flour, water, oil, and yeast and let it rise. No photos because I was not home when she did that.


She made a mixture of melted butter, sugar and egg as a pre-oven glaze. It was my job to watch that while my son watched his better half doing her thing.

I was supposed to make a cutter out of guitar string and dowels. She was rolling out the dough that had risen and smearing with a thick mixture of cinnamon, sugar and water.

The guitar string came off my guitar easily and we were tying it around the dowel pins. She cut them up and had them placed into the brownie pan. Dang! I know I bought one of those silicone glazing brushes, now where did I put it?!


At first I was upset that she had preheated the oven for what seemed like hours before baking, but then I saw that she needed a warm place to let these things puff up. Another long wait for the rolls to rise up again.


Take one last look at them before they go in to get their tan!


There is a strange thing that happens with teenagers. They like to play games on the computer. They set a timer for what it should take to cook these, but they do not get up to check on them. Ovens here have numbers that represent a certain temperature, but if you take a look under the hood, there is nothing in there turning the flame down or up according to the thermostat. There is no thermostat at all.

That coupled with the gaming is a disaster. Well, usually.

These came out perfect. A little more golden than is visually pleasing, but delicious on the top and the bottom. The final glaze is made of powdered sugar and water, which needs to be chilled after applying it. We ended up breaking off three and glazing them - to the fridge - to the mouths. Then three more.


I will leave you with a larger version of the cover photo. They left last evening and I had the last two this morning for breakfast.

  • This was a great project for which I gladly extended the weekend.


Posted from https://blurt.live

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Seems like you had quite the experience this weekend. It's often nice to have family come over for weekend. This time around, they left a huge mark with this bakery skill.

When it comes to doing things in the kitchen, teens can be adventurous. Those Cinnamon rolls look inviting. Sounds like a Sublime weekend experience for all of you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com