I have been drawing lots of my favorite childhood dishes

in blurtart •  3 years ago 


Hi all! As many as you know I have been drawing lots of my favorite childhood dishes dedicated to my mom who would always cook with so much love. Each dish is tied to a special memory I keep close to my heart and think about every time I eat these recipes. I have been making a personal project with these drawings and trying to make it into a cook book! (this is a work in progress example of a recipe page). It's been a slow process since I am still trying to mimic the flavors to get the recipe right to taste the way my mom used to make them. I wanted to ask if I could get some of your feedback? I am going for a cute hand drawn / sketchbook type of style with simple instructions. But wanted to ask what type of things you look for in cookbooks? What things you don't like seeing etc. Since this is a personal project I just want it to be perfect and consider all sorts of feedback. I have been torn if i wanted to add information of the dish on the first paragraph or share a personal story regarding the dish. Not sure if viewers would prefer one or the other but i'm guessing they would rather had dish info? (sorry I made this rather low resolution since my circle of artist friends have been having issues with pirated work) thank you!

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