A lady with an African Atire.. My pencil art portrait

in blurtart •  2 years ago 

Final piece

Hi everyone. Today I bring to us a beautiful portrait I did recently, and notice this is not like the normal portrait have been working on recently, this one has some special features like the Egele and the designer dress.


Now let me explain what Egele is Incase you have not come across it before. Now in Africa, Nigeria to be precised there is this traditional dressing style worn by ladies when ever they want to attend any traditional occasion. And one of the component of the dress is the Egele which is tied round the head. This head gear is specially tied to makeup artist who have special skills in that area because of some of the styles brought in during the tying.

Now a reference picture carrying this head gear has to be carefully followed by an artist if he/she wants to achieve an exact art piece from the reference picture. That I tried to bring into bear in this portrait.

Materials used

  • graphite pencil

  • charcoal pencil

  • monoeraser

  • elastoma eraser

  • glazescard

  • charcoal dust

  • brushes

  • tissue paper

Below are the progress shot.

The sketch

Done with the Egele

Making progress with the face

Done with the face

Progressed into the neck

Finally done

Another camera view

Thank you for looking through my blog. Please stay tuned for my next piece

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  ·  2 years ago  ·