Home Call - (Marker On Canvas)

in blurtart •  27 days ago 

Good Day Fellas,

This piece of Art titled "Home Call" is an extract from a painting made in 2022. The painting has this female figure which happens to be the mother of the other figure who is a little boy with a school bag on his back.

The two artworks highlights the end of every working day when every workers would be heading back on from walk. You would see some of them walking so fast in order to be able to meet up with something at home before a particular time and you would also see so people walking back home so tired and frustrated. It all highlights the end of the day where we all find our way back home!

On this none, with this particular approach, I am still exploring!


Kindly share your thoughts as comments below, I'll be glad to read and reply them all. Thanks.


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