A Collection of My Self Portraits - (Scribble Drawing).

in blurtart •  yesterday 

Good Day Friends,

It was really a great Sunday for me today but then, I was too tired to make my daily sketch so I decided to enjoy the sight of my drawings and for some reasons I do not seem to fathom, I just saw myself viewing and admiring my self portraitures and at the same time, I was so shocked when it dawn on me that I had done so many portraits of myself. I decided to share some of them, these I am sharing, some of them I like while the others I just look and laugh at myself 😂.......


Kindly share your thoughts as comments below.


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  ·  21 hours ago  ·  

Nice sketches! Is this art digital, or did you make it on paper? I just can't really tell because the background is so bright. Or I can go the complicated way and wonder if this was drawn on paper, then somehow made digital....😳 Keep up the good work!

  ·  30 minutes ago  ·  

Thank you very much. It's Pen on paper, I just exposed the image so as not to show the rumpled feel of the paper.

  ·  8 minutes ago  ·  

Ohhhh, that makes sense. Thanks. :)