BLURT TALK: What Is Your Biggest Crypto Regret?

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

I believe so many of us have taken actions in this space that we've sort of regretted taking at sone point. It could be selling early, buying late, FOMO, not buying that crypto or NFT you were told could go ×10000 which later happened, buying shitcoins which crashed to oblivion, storing money on an exchange which got hacked etc.


I personally don't have much regrets in the crypto space because I don't dwell on them and I take responsibility for all my actions. However, there's one action that I feel was costly and if I had known better at the time, I'd probably have stayed away from it. I was new to cryptos and online investments and so I invested a couple cryptos (Bitcoib and Ethereum)into platforms which I didn't know where infact Ponzi schemes and I eventually got scammed of almost all my cryptos.

This was at the early stage of my crypto journey when I was pretty new to the idea and the potentials of the space. Why it still feels like a regret sometimes is because all that crypto that were lost via the scam could have turned into a fortune today but then, who knows, I was new and naive and may have still lost it through other means.

I've since stayed away from Ponzi schemes or anything that promises me really high returns in a short while. I've also tried to focus in building my portfolio which has ultimately made me feel better and not having the time to think much about my past experiences.

In my opinion, regret is inevitable in this space but manageable and doesn't require much dwelling upon. What has happened has happened and you can't change that by thinking and wondering what would have happened if you had taken or didn't take some actions. The crypto space has quite alot of opportunities for everyone and we would definitely hit a jackpot(many jackpots in this case) if only we recognise our mistakes, learn from it and make sure they don't ever happen again.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I regret ever getting interested in crypto back in 2011, telling my YouTube channel about it and getting many people rich, and getting involved in Blurt when the Hive cabal downvoted me off the platform for threatening their dominance.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I understand how you must feel buddy, i'm hoping Blurt gives to you what you were deprived of on Hive. Stay strong, the future is bright

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Is it? You're aware the Western world is imploding right now? I'm in Canada and unable to get a passport... so the future is about as dark as it has ever been. These are truly end times. Crypto didn't pan out for me in time, and if you're still waiting on the next bull run, you're out of time too.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

There's gonna be one almighty shock coming to many in 'crypto land', methinks...
(myopia and hopium addiction, seem to be very common conditions)...

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

About 1% of the population have any cryptos - while about 80% have been injected with the most toxic shit known to kill gates - i think cryptos are going to be the least of most people's problems!

I still have clean blood and a fair few cryptos so I may have a different set of problems....

But ultimately they are all a gamble and Monero at least is part of a balanced investment portfolio. The others maybe not so much.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I wonder if there's any stats on crypto holders and jibby jabber, ratio's ?...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'd be willing to bet that unjabbed and holding cryptos go hand in hand.

Certainly in the circles I mingle in online it does, but I also suspect that the number of people with more than say US$1k of cryptos is very very low - about 0.01% of the pop or less.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'd be willing to bet that unjabbed and holding cryptos go hand in hand.

4 years ago, I would have agreed- now?..
I'm not so sure at all...

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have zero regret with crypto.
It gave me the will/confidence, impetus - to write my own stuff...
(which I'm now doing off crypto sites, as well).

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

my regret is not finding these sites sooner. I could have been making money on my videos and photos etc sooner. Also to have backup places to post my videos

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

At times I've made a lot with cryptos and at other times lost a lot - making or losing more than a years income in a matter of hours can really change your perspective.

But overall, from 2016 to now, I'm in a totally different financial space and much of that is due to cryptos. On one occasion I left out a zero on a market trade and lost US$5k in literally the click of a mouse, but on another occasion I said "yes let's sell now", and made a shit load. Life is more exciting with cryptos!

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