Getting to Know the World Scientists | Part 2

in blurtart •  2 years ago 

Hi everybody!

I made this post as a continuation of the previous post, about Getting to Know the World's Most Contributing Scientists | Part 1. In a previous post I have reviewed brief profiles of three world scientists, namely Ibn Sina (Father of World Medicine), Al Farabi (Islamic Philosopher) and Jabir bin Hayyan (leading polymath).

It turns out that many of Blurt's friends don't know them. Hopefully with this post we can all get to know the history that has almost faded. In this post, I would like to continue reviewing some of the short profiles of other scientists:

1. Al-Khwarizmi (Father of Algebra)


Muhammad bin Musa Al-Khwarizmi was a mathematician, astronomer and geographer. Al-Khwarizmi was born in 194H/780M in Khwarizm (now in Khiva, Uzbekistan) and died in 339H/950M in Baghdad. During his lifetime, he worked as a lecturer at the Honorary School in Baghdad founded by the Abbasid Caliph Al-Ma'mun bin Ar-Rashid, where he studied the natural sciences and mathematics, including the translation of Sanskrit and Greek manuscripts.

He is the first scientist in the world to discuss systematic solutions of linear equations and quadratic equations as outlined in his first book entitled Al Kitaab al muhtasar fii hisaab al jabr wa'l muqabaala. So he is called the Father of Algebra.

In addition, he also played an important role in introducing Arabic numerals through his work Kitāb al-Jam'a wa-l-tafrīq bi-ḥisāb al-Hind which was later adopted as a standard number used in various languages ​​and later introduced as the Decimal Position Numbering System in Western world in the 12th century.

While in the field of geography, he revised and adapted Ptolemaic Geography and worked on writings on astronomy and astrology. His contributions not only had a major impact on mathematics, but also in language. The word "algebra" comes from the word al-Jabr, one of the two mathematical operations for solving quadratic notation, which are listed in his book. The word algorithm and algorithm is taken from the word algorithm, the latinization of its name. His name is also absorbed in Spanish, guarismo, and in Portuguese, algarismo means number.

2. Al-Kindi (First Philosopher)


Abu Yusuf Ya'qub ibn Ishaq as-Sabbah al-Kindi is known as the first philosopher born from among Muslims. He was born in 188H/804M and died in 260H/874M. Apart from speaking Arabic, he is also very proficient in Greek. Many works of Greek philosophers were translated into Arabic, including those of Aristotle and Plotinos.

Al-Kindi is a philosopher of Arab origin and comes from the Kindah tribe, one of the major tribes in the South Arabian Peninsula. He is considered the first Muslim philosopher. One of al-Kindi's strengths was to present Greek philosophy to Muslims after first Islamizing these foreign ideas.

He has written many works from various disciplines, namely metaphysics, ethics, logic and psychology, to medicine, pharmacology, mathematics, astrology and optics, also covering practical topics such as perfume, sword, zoology, glass, meteorology and earthquakes. .

3. Al-Battani (Expert Astronomy and Mathematics)


Al-Battani was an Arab astronomer and mathematician. The scientist whose full name is Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Jabir bin Sinan ar-Raqqi al-Harrani as-Sabi al Battani was born in 858 AD Harran near Urfa and died in 929 AD.

One of his achievements is the determination of the number of solar years with the provisions of 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds. Al Battani also discovered a number of trigonometric equations:



He also solved the equation sin x = a cos x and found the formula:


and used al-Marwazi's ideas about tangents in developing equations for calculating tangents, cotangents and compiling tables for calculating tangents. Al Battani worked in Syria, particularly in ar-Raqqah and in Damascus, where he also died.

Thank you for visiting and reading my post. Wait for another scientist profile review.

Greetings @rahmattrisnamal


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