BlurtArt | Imagining Al Khwarizmi and Abbas ibn Firnas Are Here

in blurtart •  2 years ago  (edited)


After previously I made a post about Ibn Haitham, this time I want to rewrite two influential scientists for the development of science and world science, then until now.

Al Khwarizmi

He is one of the great scientists of Islam who brought many changes to the world. His work has inspired many world scientists in the field of science, especially physics. Even several Greek scientists learned from him.

One of Al Khwarizmi's most famous and widely used inventions even today is Algebra. This one science is very helpful in solving various number rules. This branch of mathematics studies structures and simplified relationships.

It is so great, that it is believed that if Al Khwarizmi was born in this century, his cupboard will be filled with various Nobel Prizes for having succeeded in making the world more advanced. In addition to algebra, there are many more discoveries, especially in the field of Mathematics.

The next branch of science that became the discovery of Al Khwarizmi was trigonometry and astronomy. This discovery managed to make other great scientists stunned. Because of his discovery, he was able to solve various problems that could not been solved for centuries. Until now, geometry has succeeded in becoming the second branch of mathematics. Its understanding is as simple as algebra. Can help you in solving various problems in mathematics. Until now the knowledge of Al Khwarizmi is still used.

The next discovery of Al Khwarizmi is the algorithm. This branch of science has been widely known and used even today. It is said that, with the invention of this algorithm, many fields of technology have been helped. Because this is the beginning of the calculation steps.

If further mentioned the algorithm is the procedure or basis of the calculation process both in mathematics and its application in technology. Today we all feel the modern world also from the elements of the use of algorithms, geometry, and algebra.

One of the other discoveries of Al Khwarizmi is the number zero. Many people do not know that it was Al Khwarizmi who introduced the number zero in the world of calculations. As is now used to be a prefix to start calculations.

Even other scientists are competing to make it a follow-up study. How would he be able to find the zero and be used as a starting point for calculating numbers? But at that time zero had also been studied by mathematicians from India.

Abbas ibn Firnas

If at this time we can live comfortably and comfortably, it could be thanks to the invention of Abbas ibn Firnas. He is a scientist from Andalusia who is mostly engaged in the field of Aerodynamics. Abbas ibn Firnas is a Muslim who became the first aviator in the world. The idea is inspired by a stunt game.

Although the field of aerodynamics was developed by China, if asked who started or sparked the idea about it, the answer is Abbas ibn Firnas. Of course, initially, Abbas ibn Firnas did not use equipment and shapes resembling today's airplanes, but only a pair of wings made of silk and wood as the frame. Even though it was declared a failure, this homemade aircraft was able to stay in the air for 10 minutes.

Abbas Ibn Firnas is also known as a versatile scientist. Because he mastered various fields ranging from medicine, science, and even the arts. Abbas ibn Firnas is also very smart in poetry, chanting poetry, and the like. No wonder that in his time, Abbas Ibn Firnas was very popular and became a scientist for other scholars. Until now, many people did not know that the originator of the first idea of ​​the plane was Abbas Ibn Firnas.

The relationship between wings and a tail to stabilise flight first developed by Abbas Ibn Firnas contributed to the success of the Wright brothers’ flying machine in 1903. Firnas was a multi-talented man. He even became one of the first teachers at the famous Cordovan school of music run by the Iraqi musician, Ziryab.


Reference: Gramedia

Photo source:
Al Khwarizmi


Abbas ibn Firnas



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