My Blurt to the Moon NFT Challenge by offgridlife

in blurtart •  2 years ago  (edited)


It's a great honor to join the challenge by @offgridlife to promote our dear project $Blurt and it my pleasure to be part of it. Came across the challenge yesterday and i have promised to do my own bit to be part of it, here is a link to the challenge post if you are willing to join

Despite the recent down in price of blurt as many whales have dumped over 10 million of the token, we have seen a quick recovery and we should be hoping for a moon mission. 🚀🚀🚀

Here is my Art and the progress, it was made through Picsart on my phone, though i couldn't get much screenshot because i haven't bought the full version of the app and some features are restricted.


The original picture was gotten from here which i imported to picsart.


I added the blurt logo on the image


Here, i added some text to make it meaningful.

You can join the challenge and its free to join, i will be posting this on my twitter account to make it more visible to others.

Follow me on twitter

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