Accepting Mistakes as part of growth process

in blurtalam •  last year 

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It is quite common to see people go on and on about why something was someone's fault, but what's rare is actually seeing them readily own up when it's their fault.

I'm not exactly sure if it's an ego thing but whenever an unfavorable incident occurs, we tend to apportion all the blames around leaving ourselves for last.
This probably has to do with the fact that we weren't even willing to accept that we'd made a mistake in the first place.

I saw a joke one time about someone learning from their mistakes which was why they chose to make even more mistakes so they could learn more. It's a joke, but in retrospect the willingness to accept and learn from your mistakes is also a part of growth.

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You'll hear people begin to grumble and say things like but accepting i made a mistake will make me look bad. What's actually bad is thinking you can't make mistakes.
That kind of thinking is actually bad for self development.

No one likes making mistakes but it would be living in a fantasy if you allow pride not let you see the potential for learning something.
For every mistake made, you've actually gotten better knowledge to help in your next attempt.

One of the first things to do is to accept your mistake, no sugarcoating or attempt to color it into what it isn't. You don't learn from a mistake when even you has not accepted that one has been made.

After accepting it's your mistake, the next is to understand how that mistake was made, your part in it and how to prevent it from happening again. If you can successfully do this, then you're wiser for your next attempt.

You and your friend are both learning how to ride a bicycle for the first time and your dads are alongside helping. They both let go and you both pedal for a few seconds before crashing.

You on one hand, choose to decide that it was all your dad's fault for letting go when you've
not mastered how to ride. Your friend on the other hand noticed his balance was off and tries to make adjustments on his next try.

In the long run your friend will master how to ride his bicycle while you're still waiting for your dad to balance the bicycle for you to pedal.
It's not enough to only acknowledge growth when it puts you in a positive light, we can equally learn and grow from the negatives as well.

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