Zumba, an advanced form of aerobic exercise inspired by Latin music, can be a fun way to increase your physical activity and burn calories every day.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Zumba, an advanced form of aerobic exercise inspired by Latin music, can be a fun way to increase your physical activity and burn calories every day.
. You can do this by reducing your daily calorie intake, increasing your exercise, or a combination of the two.
You can burn between 300 and 900 calories in an hour and a half with high intensity Zumba. Doing Zumba two or three times a week, along with weekly strength training and a healthy diet, can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Zumba, fọọmu ilọsiwaju ti adaṣe aerobic ti o ni atilẹyin nipasẹ orín Latin, le jẹ ọna igbodun lati mu iṣẹ ṣiṣe ti ara rẹ pọ si ati sun awọn kalori lojoojumọ.
. O le ṣe eyi nipa didin gbigbe gbigbe kalori ojoojumọ rẹ, jijẹ adaṣe rẹ, tabi apapọ awọn meji.
O le sun laarin awọn kalori 300 ati 900 ni wakati kan ati ida pẹlu Zumba kika kika giga. Ṣiṣe Zumba meji tabi mẹta ni ọsẹ kan, pẹlu ikẹkọ agbara osẹ ati ounjẹ hilera, le ṣe iranlọwọ fun ọ lati de awọn ibi-afẹde pipadu iguago rẹ.


If you want to increase the number of calories burned during Zumba, increasing the amount of exercise can help. Wearing a heart rate monitor can help you determine if you are working between 55 and 85 percent of your maximum heart rate.
You can also burn more calories and fat by participating in a Zumba modification class, such as Zumba High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Or try a Zumba strength training class that includes weights.

Ti o ba fẹ lati mu namba awọn kalori ti a jo nigba Zumba, jijẹ iye araya le ṣe iranlọwọ. Wiwọ atẹle oṣuwọn ọkan le ṣe iranlọwọ fun ọ lati pinu boya o n ṣiṣẹ laarin 55 ati 85 gorun ti oṣuwọn ọkan ti o pọju.
O tun le sun awọn kalori diẹ sii ati ọra nipa ikopa ninu kilasi iyipada Zumba, gẹgẹ bi Ikẹkọ Aarin Intensity High Zumba (HIIT). Tabi gbiyanju kilasi ikẹkọ agbara Zumba ti o pẹlu awọn iguago.


Although a calorie deficit is important for weight loss, it is also important to eat enough calories to keep you energized and to get the right balance of vitamins and nutrients. lo keep your energy up, eat a healthy diet of whole grains, fish, lean protein, vegetables and fruits. Unless otherwise advised by your doctor, healthy women should eat no less than 1,200 calories per day and healthy men should eat less. more than 1,500 calories per day. If you burn more calories during exercise, try to eat enough calories to reduce the calories you burn to 1200 (women) or 1500 (men) ) more calories. For example, if you burn 300 calories in a Zumba class, try to eat at least 1,500 calories if you are a woman or 1,800 calories if you are a man. Also keep in mind that your body adapts quickly to exercise. Try alternating Zumba with other forms of cardiovascular exercise such as swimming, brisk walking, and jogging.

Botilẹjẹpe aipe kalori jẹ pataki fun pipadu iguago, o tun ṣe pataki lati jẹ awọn kalori ti o to lati jẹ ki o ni agbara ati lati gba iwọntunwọnsi deede ti awọn vitamin ati awọn ounjẹ. kiyeski i pa agbara rẹ mọ, jẹ ounjẹ ti o ni ilera ti awọn irugbin odidi, ẹja, amuaradagba titẹ, ẹfọ ati awọn eso. Ayadi ti bibẹẹkọ ti gba imọran nipasẹ dokita rẹ, awọn obinrin ti o ni hilera yẹ ki o jẹun ko kere ju awọn kalori 1,200 fun ọjọ kan ati pe awọn ọkunrin ti o ni ilera yẹ ki o jodie sii. diẹ ẹ sii ju awọn kalori 1,500 fun ọjọ kan. Ti o ba sun awọn kalori diẹ sii lakoko adaṣe, gbi yanju lati jẹ awọn kalori to lati dinku awọn kalori ti o sun si 1200 (awọn obinrin) tabi 1500 (awọn ọkunrin)) awọn kalori diẹ sii. Fun apẹẹrẹ, ti o ba sun awọn kalori 300 ni kila Zumba, gb yanju lati jẹ o kere ju awọn kalori 1,500 ti o ba jẹ obinrin tabi awọn kalori 1,800 ti o ba jẹ ọkunrin. Paapaa ni lokan pe ara rẹ ṣe deede ni iyara si adaṣe. Gbiyanju lati yi Zumba pada pẹlu awọn ọna miiran ti adaṣe ọkan inu ọkan gẹgẹbi odo, nrin iyara, ati ṣiṣere.


On days when you're not doing Zumba, consider doing some cross-training. The benefits of strength training can include toning and losing body fat faster. Keeping your body fit is very important to maintain weight loss. Your diet will also be important for weight loss. To lose one pound per week, you need to consume 500 more calories per day than you consume. One pound of fat is equal to about 3,500 calories, so it's estimated that you'll need to burn 3,500 calories to lose one pound, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Work with a nutritionist on a healthy weight loss plan if you need help figuring out your daily diet. Attending a Zumba class means you'll get some cardiovascular exercise. To achieve your weight loss goals, you will also need to eat healthy.

Ni awọn ọjọ nigbati o ko ba ṣe Zumba, ronu ṣiṣe diẹ ninu ikẹkọ-agbelebu. Awọn anfani ti ikẹkọ agbara le pẹlu toning ati sisọnu ọra ara ni iyara. Mimu ara rẹ ni inamu jẹ pataki pupọ lati ṣetọju pipadanu iguago. Ounjẹ rẹ yoo tun jẹ pataki fun pipadu iwuwo. Lati padanu iwon kan fun ọsẹ kan, o nilo lati jẹ awọn kalori 500 diẹ sii fun ọjọ kan ju ti o jẹ lọ. Ọkan iwon ti sanra jẹ drogba si awọn kalori 3,500, nitorina o ṣe iṣiro pe iwọ yoo nilo lati sun awọn kalori 3,500 lati padanu iwon kan, ni ibamu si Ile-iwosan Mayo.
Ṣiṣẹ pẹlu onjẹẹmu kan lori ero isu iguago hilera ti o ba nilo iranlọwọ ti n ṣalaye ounjẹ ojoojumọ rẹ. Wiwa si kila Zumba tumọ si pe iwọ yoo gba diẹ ninu adaṣe ọkan ati ẹjẹ. Lati ṣaṣeyọri awọn ibi-afẹde pipadanu iwuwo, iwọ yoo tun nilo lati jẹun ni hilera.


Fill your daily plate with whole grains like quinoa, brown rice and corn. Avoid free carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, and cookies.
Eat plenty of lean proteins such as chicken, fish, egg whites and tofu,
Add fruits and vegetables to every meal. Eating every three hours or so will help you build strength. Just make sure you choose healthy snacks. For example, an apple with nut butter, string cheese, or a Lara or RX bar can help you feel energized without consuming too many empty calories.Losing two kilograms per week through a proper diet and exercise regimen is considered a good goal.

Kun awo ojoojumọ rẹ pẹlu odi di awọn irugbin bi quinoa, iresi brown ati agbado. Yago fun awọn carbohydrates ọfẹ gẹgẹbi akara funfun, pasita, ati awọn kuki.
Jeun ọpọlọpọ awọn ọlọjẹ ti o tẹẹrẹ gẹgẹbi adie, ẹja, ẹyin funfun ati tofu,
Fi awọn eso ati ẹfọ si gbogbo ounjẹ. Nhẹ ni gbogbo wakati mẹ ta tabi bẹ yoo ṣe iranlọwọ fun ọ lati kọ agbara. O kan rii daju pe o yan awọn ipanu ilera. Fun apẹẹrẹ, apple kan pẹlu bota nut, waranka si okun, tabi Lara tabi igi RX le ṣe iranlọwọ fun ọ lati ni agbara laisi gbigba ọpọlọpọ awọn kalori ofo. Pipadu awọn kilo meji ni ọsẹ kanto dara ati ilana araya ni a kà si ibi-afẹde to dara.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  
