Thanks for your frank comment on vaccinations. I watched with rapt attention the first link in defense of the little ones … the video actually brought to consciousness the need to think deeper on the use of vaccines 💉… each opportunity creates room for more knowledge . Thanks for drawing my attention to this . Knowledge has been gained .
The second link which you spoke about that links Africa as an experimental ground unfortunately didn’t open . I was so anxious to go through the link but sadly it didn’t go through . Maybe the content has been removed …. I am so eager to see it . You may help me check again if it’s existing .
Thanks for the upvote as always . Am grateful .
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My apologies the video was already taken down from when I watched it last night. Here are some articles and then will share a link to the producers of the video, but you will need to give them an email address to access it which I was trying to avoid for you.
The short of it is the WHO perfected an infertility vaccine and it's estimated they administered it to 500000 women in Nigeria before they were caught. It was mixes in with the tetanus vaccine. They were using HCG to cause the female body to abort the fetus once it began growing and sending off chemicals that the HCG in the vaccine had programmed the body to see as a threat.
It was your own church ironically that uncovered this entire evil scheme.
I found a website that has the video without requiring you to give your email address. It's just under 30 minutes. I beg of you to please watch this video and you will see the proof as given by your own church and the doctors and laboratories showing exactly how they know this and the efforts taken by government to shut them up.
Both Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 worth watching for those who believe in vaxnation. They can always be downloaded via torrents.
I just did ! Damn !!!! Am so speechless 😶
This is diabolical . This is sad . Now I have some reservations on certain things . I hope my persuasion doesn’t hurt them in future ….
I did so with an open conscience .
Thanks for this knowledge.
My main concern on sharing this with you was IF there was anything nefarious that took place you might blame yourself. I would ask that IF this is the case that you please not.
It goes without saying that your heart is in the right place and you would not knowingly do anything to the detriment of these people you have grown to love and accepted stewardship over.
I think there is just as much of a chance these shots were not the bad ones I warn of. But I needed you to be aware that there are evil people who are preying upon your continent who are eugenicists and seek out wiping out as many as possible under the guise of charity and medicine.
If at all possible perhaps you could reach out to those from your church in the documentary video and see if there are steps you can take to both bring medicine to your people while somehow qualifying the intent of these people who come from outside saying they wish to help.
My heart cries for you that such designs must even be considered. What a world this could be if folks genuinely were just wanting to help and not cause so much harm.
I thank you for being receptive to my warnings. I want great things to continue to manifest from the large actions you take and not be poisoned by devious men who would use your love to cause much harm.
Oh sure ! I appreciate and will forever do so .
Am grateful for the great insight . Now I know even better .
Are you talking about Bill Gates here ?
I read the Snopes article and, of course, anyone who insists that Mr Gates said what he is supposed to have said will be wrong. I actually don't care what exactly he did or did not say. It is obvious that he does not need to be defended by anyone because he can easily buy his PR, and if he wants, he buys media or builds his own media houses.
It is not what you have correctly fact-checked what someone who has a lot of power to make people say and do what he wants says.
How do I know that? There was a Tagesschau programme on German television in the spring of 2020 in which Mr Gates got close to seven minutes (!) of sole airtime, which is a record for one of the most watched evening news programmes. There he says that "seven billion people need to be vaccinated" and the presenter does not ask one critical question about this. I almost fell off my chair when I watched the footage. Some one not elected by the german people were allowed to bring such a statement in prime time, I could not believe it.
So while Snopes gets it right that Gates' statements were misrepresented, you have to look at the overall tone of the platform and judge whether they tend to be government-uncritical. I cannot judge that in the case of Snopes.
We have here self-appointed well-funded fact-checkers who have been driving a very clear line since 2020 and ridicule criticism about the measures. I don't know if that is still the case today, but it was the case at the beginning and in 2021.
What I do agree with is that there is a lot of nonsense on the internet, it is very emotional and all the comments and texts from people who have not been trained for this often seem crazy. It's better to ignore that, I think.
Good day to you.
No, I would ask you click the links I provided above and most important watch the video in the last link that is 30 minutes of PROOF.
I also disbelieve anything Snopes has to say on anything. Here they are lying about world renowned virologist Geert Vanden Bossche saying he is just a veterinarian as they claim his anti-covid vax position is ludicrous. He is world renowned in the world of virology.
Here are the mans actual credentials.
And yes he does in fact hold an advanced degree in animal medicine which he needed to oversee testing on vaccines on animals. It was one of his lesser advanced degrees.
I tend to believe nothing I read on the internet these days. Too many conspiracy theories, fake news, war propaganda and phishing schemes for my liking.
You can’t trust anything you read these days.
Especially so-called “Science” articles.
With that mindset I'm surprised you offered up the known misinformation site Snopes.
Very True. There is Lots of different information out there.