in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


Full vaccination for vulnerable kids in Selagi community

It was a sunny day in Selagi and of course another event that threw rays of hope upon the rural poor community, as health workers worked in great numbers to get the little kids vaccinated


Issues of health and it’s attending challenges has been the lot of this rural community. With the initiative of a Blurt hospital to cater for their medical needs , more community health activities are beginning to come in on daily basis.
Today we were gracious with some health workers, in their numbers they came and on this day , it was for the kids .
At my invitation they came in to sensitize and also carry out vaccination against opportunistic ailments that would ordinarily affect the kids.


My Experience

 It was quite a funny experience that when the workers arrived and child bearing mothers were called to bring forth their kids, a rumor went round that it was a conspiracy to reduce the teaming population of the village, as such , there was a hard resistance. 

Most of them outrightly refused that their kids shouldn’t be vaccinated, it took more than three hours of sensitization on the need for this all important exercise.
I told them of the advantages that the vaccines would bring to the kids . I elaborated on the fact that this vaccine will help Fight the many illnesses around . After a long talk , most of them saw the need and keyed into the project .

Today we are so glad that the kids were fully vaccinated . I told them that statistics have it that with vaccination we could help prevent about 3.5-5 million death rate every year from diseases like diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, influenza and measles.
I am glad that we were able to achieve this . Many thanks to the healthcare workers and volunteers. I have arranged with them that they will come periodically.

The African man is still lacking behind on so many issues , not insinuating any insults but we must consciously root out the cruel mentality and barbaric thinking that has kept us underdeveloped . It is expected that in the 21st century, issues of vaccinations shouldn’t form headlines at all, but sadly it is in my community.
I am hopeful that with this sensitization that going forward, things will really work better

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello to you,

I come from a former farming family, so from a rather poor background in terms of money and luxury. We lived away from big cities and basically we had quite a decent existence and provided for ourselves through a big garden and some animals on the farm. My parents worked a lot, but my mother once said that it was basically a good life. It is often said about "poor people" that it is "barbaric" that they "have to live like that".

However, I would say, having myself now lived in a so-called developed nation for many decades, that a lot is glossed over about being so modern.

After all, if you've learned to be a modern person, you've also realised at some point that the nice new achievements for more wealth, health and convenience come at a very high price (loss of family and community life). One gives up one's independence and buys everything from those who always seem to act for the "good of all".

The scepticism to accept something from those who come to a community as strangers with promises of salvation is right to have. If someone has reservations, I think it is wise to let them stand and encourage people to ask important questions.

Your open-mindedness honours you. Being open to different and new things is a valuable quality. Sometimes, however, it is the gateway to things you dare not suspect are merely one-sided good intentions. In many cases, the nicer some outsiders or moderns appear, the more cautious is needed.

All the best for you and a good day.

P.S. I also give you my upvote for your community work but not for the topic.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks and many blessings….
Everyday is an opportunity to learn .
Learn new things , new ideas , new ways of doing things .
One can never know all .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's right.
Have a good day and greetings from far away.

I'm upvoting this despite my opinion on vaccinations. There have been a lot of harm done in their name, please be careful. My upvote is for you and not this topic.


Please also see this documentary on how they use Africa to experiment on before exporting the finished deadly products to the rest of the world.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your frank comment on vaccinations. I watched with rapt attention the first link in defense of the little ones … the video actually brought to consciousness the need to think deeper on the use of vaccines 💉… each opportunity creates room for more knowledge . Thanks for drawing my attention to this . Knowledge has been gained .
The second link which you spoke about that links Africa as an experimental ground unfortunately didn’t open . I was so anxious to go through the link but sadly it didn’t go through . Maybe the content has been removed …. I am so eager to see it . You may help me check again if it’s existing .
Thanks for the upvote as always . Am grateful .

My apologies the video was already taken down from when I watched it last night. Here are some articles and then will share a link to the producers of the video, but you will need to give them an email address to access it which I was trying to avoid for you.

The short of it is the WHO perfected an infertility vaccine and it's estimated they administered it to 500000 women in Nigeria before they were caught. It was mixes in with the tetanus vaccine. They were using HCG to cause the female body to abort the fetus once it began growing and sending off chemicals that the HCG in the vaccine had programmed the body to see as a threat.

It was your own church ironically that uncovered this entire evil scheme.





I found a website that has the video without requiring you to give your email address. It's just under 30 minutes. I beg of you to please watch this video and you will see the proof as given by your own church and the doctors and laboratories showing exactly how they know this and the efforts taken by government to shut them up.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Both Vaxxed and Vaxxed 2 worth watching for those who believe in vaxnation. They can always be downloaded via torrents.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I just did ! Damn !!!! Am so speechless 😶
This is diabolical . This is sad . Now I have some reservations on certain things . I hope my persuasion doesn’t hurt them in future ….
I did so with an open conscience .
Thanks for this knowledge.

My main concern on sharing this with you was IF there was anything nefarious that took place you might blame yourself. I would ask that IF this is the case that you please not.

It goes without saying that your heart is in the right place and you would not knowingly do anything to the detriment of these people you have grown to love and accepted stewardship over.

I think there is just as much of a chance these shots were not the bad ones I warn of. But I needed you to be aware that there are evil people who are preying upon your continent who are eugenicists and seek out wiping out as many as possible under the guise of charity and medicine.

If at all possible perhaps you could reach out to those from your church in the documentary video and see if there are steps you can take to both bring medicine to your people while somehow qualifying the intent of these people who come from outside saying they wish to help.

My heart cries for you that such designs must even be considered. What a world this could be if folks genuinely were just wanting to help and not cause so much harm.

I thank you for being receptive to my warnings. I want great things to continue to manifest from the large actions you take and not be poisoned by devious men who would use your love to cause much harm.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh sure ! I appreciate and will forever do so .
Am grateful for the great insight . Now I know even better .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
  ·  2 years ago  ·  


I read the Snopes article and, of course, anyone who insists that Mr Gates said what he is supposed to have said will be wrong. I actually don't care what exactly he did or did not say. It is obvious that he does not need to be defended by anyone because he can easily buy his PR, and if he wants, he buys media or builds his own media houses.

It is not what you have correctly fact-checked what someone who has a lot of power to make people say and do what he wants says.

How do I know that? There was a Tagesschau programme on German television in the spring of 2020 in which Mr Gates got close to seven minutes (!) of sole airtime, which is a record for one of the most watched evening news programmes. There he says that "seven billion people need to be vaccinated" and the presenter does not ask one critical question about this. I almost fell off my chair when I watched the footage. Some one not elected by the german people were allowed to bring such a statement in prime time, I could not believe it.

So while Snopes gets it right that Gates' statements were misrepresented, you have to look at the overall tone of the platform and judge whether they tend to be government-uncritical. I cannot judge that in the case of Snopes.

We have here self-appointed well-funded fact-checkers who have been driving a very clear line since 2020 and ridicule criticism about the measures. I don't know if that is still the case today, but it was the case at the beginning and in 2021.

What I do agree with is that there is a lot of nonsense on the internet, it is very emotional and all the comments and texts from people who have not been trained for this often seem crazy. It's better to ignore that, I think.

Good day to you.

No, I would ask you click the links I provided above and most important watch the video in the last link that is 30 minutes of PROOF.

I also disbelieve anything Snopes has to say on anything. Here they are lying about world renowned virologist Geert Vanden Bossche saying he is just a veterinarian as they claim his anti-covid vax position is ludicrous. He is world renowned in the world of virology.


Here are the mans actual credentials.


Geert Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development.

Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager. At GAVI he tracked efforts to develop an Ebola vaccine. He also represented GAVI in fora with other partners, including WHO, to review progress on the fight against Ebola and to build plans for global pandemic preparedness.

Back in 2015, Geert scrutinized and questioned the safety of the Ebola vaccine that was used in ring vaccination trials conducted by WHO in Guinea. His critical scientific analysis and report on the data published by WHO in the Lancet in 2015 was sent to all international health and regulatory authorities involved in the Ebola vaccination program. After working for GAVI, Geert joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. He is at present primarily serving as a Biotech / Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines.

And yes he does in fact hold an advanced degree in animal medicine which he needed to oversee testing on vaccines on animals. It was one of his lesser advanced degrees.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I tend to believe nothing I read on the internet these days. Too many conspiracy theories, fake news, war propaganda and phishing schemes for my liking.

You can’t trust anything you read these days.

Especially so-called “Science” articles.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think I should ponder on the fact that an African man is lacking behind. It is very true. A lot of we Africans lack the knowledge of immunization. We don't know what vaccination works for and that's why you tend to see a lot of African children who have some diseases. Also, I have come to realize that there are so many Africans nurse on disease or the other simply because we lack basic knowledge of these things.
Also, due to the fact that most Africans don't know the essence of vaccination, we believe that it does more harm than good to us.
I have seen countless cases whereby kids lose their lives to measles. It makes some people deaf, affects some peoples voice cord and has other adverse effects. But I know that all of these happen die to the fact that a lot of us are not vaccinated.
I'm glad that you were able to sensitize African mother's and the people in general about the essence of vaccination. You've done well. Keep it up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think it is great that the children are being vaccinated!
I know that there are many anti-vaccinationists here.
I am a pharmaceutical technical assistant.
Of course there can be vaccine damage and this risk cannot be explained away, BUT this happens very rarely and the benefit is on the whole much greater than the damage.
In my childhood, for example, there were still many children who suffered from polio.
With vaccination, the disease is no longer an issue in our country.

Certainly, there were and will always be human trials, just as there will always be wars.
But this has nothing to do with a normal vaccination!

What many people also do not consider:
in Africa, many people do not have access to clean drinking water or medical care.
If a small child has severe diarrhea due to an infectious disease, it can die very quickly because it becomes dehydrated.
In our country, such a child comes to the hospital, receives fluids via infusion and is treated with medication!

Tetanus is also a big issue.
The spores of the bacteria are found worldwide in the soil and in the feces of animals.
If the infection goes untreated, 30 to 50% of infected people die. Tetanus patients die of respiratory paralysis because the respiratory muscles cramp and thus fail.
In Germany, one would be hospitalized and have a chance of survival , in your community ......

Kind regards!!!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great words as always !
Thanks so much for the deep insight . That was actually what was on my mind when I was persuading the women to bring up their children .
Well , in every coin there are two sides …. I pray for certain that the vaccine will help them positively as anticipated.
Thanks 🙏 for this great insight and contribution.
Many in my country still die of curable illnesses because of poor medical care . While the civilize world is doing great , we can’t boast of that in Africa . Africa is just backward .
Well, we hope someday things get better

Well done for the Ugandan project too .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello again,

I am afraid that the whole vaccination issue will not give you a sure answer to what you might be hoping for.

Helping is good if you can be one hundred percent sure that what you are offering as help is understood by you. I hardly understand it myself and that is why I have tried to deal with the work of those who understand more about it than I do.

If what we call "getting sick from viruses" were not based on a "theory", it would not be called "virus theory", but "contagion law" or something like that.

About the history of virology, a very well-known scientific institute (the Max Planck Institute in Germany) published a scientific paper with the result that there was no consensus about the virus theory even among the very committed scientists. So it is to this day, the theory is neither proven nor unproven. The experts are still arguing about the virus theory and also fighting each other.

So I want to be very clear and disagree with the above comment on this particular issue. Even though I honour the willingness to help with other needs.

I would like to leave you with the question:
If two people who you believe are very competent and experienced in their field are discussing a very important issue affecting life and a third person comes along who ignores these people and starts selling the very thing these people are arguing about, what would you think?

God bless you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, it is often a problem that people in rich countries cannot imagine how people in Africa and other poor countries live. They often transfer their wisdom to these people.
For example, people here often say that people in poor countries should have fewer children because they can't feed them.
They forget that there is often little or no education and that people often have no money for contraception.
In addition, the women are often married early and they have to fulfill their "marital duties".
Often they are maltreated and raped.
They seldom get help, since they have even fewer rights in these countries than they do here.
And of course, unfortunately, the Catholic Church also contributes its part.
Contraception is still a taboou....and the devout people stick to it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Since I was a child I have received every vaccination possible here in Canada 🇨🇦 …. including the Flu shot and even the Pfizer Covid vaccine… and I’m in pretty good health**.

But I also eat a lot of home grow organic apples and fresh fish and I gets lots of exercise walking Lola, swimming and kayaking every day.

** I do suffer from gout from eating too much fish, and drinking too much beer. But I have found Doctor Prescribed “Colchicine” helps with the pain.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That really sounds great ! Health is wealth . In Africa our healthcare system is very poor .
We are trying to see how we can improve the healthcare system in the rural areas.. it was really a big drama to get them convinced.
We hope one day things improve here in Africa .

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are lots of people afraid of vaccines 💉 … it’s not just Africa.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lots of people complain about healthcare here in Canada also. I think the best thing people can do is grow their own organic food and get lots of exercise and sleep.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I agree with you . That’s healthy living .
Rest is key and exercise is also very important .
I think I will encourage people more in this regard.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Vaccination is false, black magic. I am distressed to hear that this is still going on. I hope other diseases, that would otherwise not have affected this population and are well know to be associated with vaccination (cancer, autism, GBS, Crohn's to name a very few), do not affect this population. Please investigate the harms of vaccination, as there are a great many.

After all the harm the west has done to Africa what on earth makes you think their medicine is any different? I lived in opulent society all my life and it took me many years to deprogram myself from the modern medicine mindset. I now reject all of it. I have not seen any modern medicine practitioners in 25 years and I am much better for it. I did not vaccinate my kids and they are now 35 and 36 with kids of their own so did not die from any of the so-called 'infectious diseases'.
Your 'sensitizing' of your people is nothing short of brainwashing. Listen to those who tried to warn you with so-called 'conspiracies'. They are in fact not wrong, bless them.
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" and those well meaning people like yourself are paving that road albeit unintentionally.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I come in peace sir !
It is well ! God knows our innermost intention .
We didn’t mean it plan harm . By his grace this one administered will not have any negative impact on the lads .
Thanks for sharing your perspective . I appreciate your comment.

Thankyou for being open to listening. I'm not familiar with your church or it's teachings but thought you might like to read some thoughts on vaccines from the bible. I found this one to start. https://biblicalwellness.blogspot.com/2013/08/what-does-bible-say-about-vaccines.html

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Eugenics is great for africa...


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