Let go your Ego - A Short Story

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 



Josephine and Marco have been living together as husband and wife for a year and a half. Although they love each other, they always fight as such, the entire neighborhood have come to know them with this. Marco always comes home drunk at night and beating his wife was very easy for him as she is the nagging type. With any little provocation, their voices will be heard in the neighborhood, even the local sheriff is tired of their case.

However, a few blocks away lived another family, they have been married for 5 years. No one in the neighborhood ever get to hear them argue or fight as they seem to walk in peace, love and harmony. Always holding hands when taking a walk, and some other activities they do together. They seem like the perfect couple to emulate and were the envy of both Josephine and Marco.

One day Marco came home late from work as usual and met the nagging wife and after he asked her to leave him alone they started arguing and Marco gave her a big black eye. After that Josephine continued to shout at him with insulting words, saying that he should go and learn how his neighbor runs his house, they never quarrel and they always live in love and harmony, and Marco replied that; She should go do that instead of sending him.
Marco left the house angrily, to clear his head and relax, but as he was about to pass by his neighbors' house, he decided to spy on them to really find out the secret behind their happiness or if they were just pretending.


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

The first day he spied on them, he saw them doing things together, watching movies and playing games with their son. He repeated the spying for days until one day when there was a sudden power outage, the neighbor's wife who was in the kitchen preparing dinner rushed over and put a lamp on the living room floor, and when the husband hurried, seeing his son who was playing in the room with his toys unknowingly tripped over the lamp and broke it.
Finally, Marco said let me see what happens now, and who's ready to take the blame (Marco told himself)! Marco was actually expecting a serious argument and fight, but to his surprise and disappointment the man leaned forward and quietly began picking up the pieces and the woman also ran to the scene, knelt down and quietly joined in picking up the pieces of the lamp.
As they were picking it up, she started apologizing for not telling him about the lamp. She accepted the blame and said she was sorry, but her husband lovingly replied that it was he who should apologize for not being careful enough, and also apologized too. Hearing this, they both laughed and kissed, promising to be more careful next time. And that was it.
Marco on seeing this, now knows why they live happily. Now he is aware that that none of them claims to be right, but always accept their wrong.


Photo by Timur Weber:

On getting home, Marco told the wife that in the last few days I have been studying our happy neighbors and discovered that the secret of their happiness and love is that none of them accept that they are right. But for us none of us accepts being wrong! If we are to come together as a happy family, we must put pride behind us and sometimes accept our wrong doing, even when we are right, so that peace may reign. So, my dear and dear wife, I'm sorry for all that I did wrong and I want to make it right from now on.
Josephine was shocked and also apologized to her husband for everything she had done and from now on no more pride and enough of the arrogance but love and peace.

Sometimes we need to let go of pride and embrace peace and harmony by acknowledging our wrong doing, sometimes even when we think we are right, just for the sake of peace.



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