Women! Success or fails addictives?

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
They will tell you "behind every successful man, there's a woman" but they won't tell you that "behind any downfall of a man, there's also a woman" why?

Because it doesn't suit that feminist narrative of self-aggrandizement.

The thing is, you can hardly name offhand three men from history who women were instrumental to their success, either financial or otherwise.

But you can always name a handful of men in history who were brought down
by their women.

Is it Adam? The "Biblical" first man in the world. Is it Samson? Solomon? David? The list is endless.

Even security agencies have noted the role women play in bringing men down in history & have applied it in comtemporary times to crack down criminals & fraudsters. Take for example, Hushpuppi.

This is not to make you hate women. No. Patriarchs don't do that. I'm merely trying to dispel that age-long myth by exposing its hypocrisy while also presenting the truth with a laugh.

Women are hardly instrumental to a man's success. Instead they try to tie him down. In fact they're more instrumental to a man's failure & decline than his success.

Think about this:

If women are instrumental to a man's success, then why are young men afraid of commitment?

It's simple, I will help you:

Because settling down with a woman when you're still down (financially) is going to further drag you down, not lift you up. Read that again.

If women were the surest way to financial success, then men would be desperate for commitment because it means that they would marry financial success into their homes.

But is that the case?

Behind every successful man is his sweat, his tears, his pain, his failures, & above all else, his determination to succeed.

That is the truth!


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