in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
At the initial stage of understanding women nature, you'll learn that all women are not the same. That simply means that there are high value women & there are low value women.

At this stage, all that is required of you is to be able to make distinction between both & know which to accept for mating & marriage & which to reject.

Sadly, not many are fortunate to pass through this initial stage hence why we hear stories of good-natured men cuffing hoes every now & then.

Indeed, it's their destiny. You don't get the woman you deserve, you get the woman you earn—if you don't know the wheat from the chaff & you end up with the chaff, then you've earned her by virtue of your blatant ignorance.

However at the advanced stage, the lines between the high value women & low value women begin to blur. You'd realise that all women are almost the same.

It's at this stage you realise that even the most virtuous woman is capable of walking all over you & eventually using you, not because she wants to but because you've allowed her to.

She'd punish your weaknesses the same way a low value woman would & frankly it's not her fault if she does. It's simply the feminine way of telling you that there's something wrong with you.

Most men give up at this second stage of the redpill. They're usually defeated by its harsh realities. You are likely to hear them say something like "all women are the same", "You can't please a woman", "a woman who will cheat will cheat" etc

These statements are not in themselves incorrect or sick, it is, however, the defeatist mentality that produce them that is.

Most redpill men are usually stuck in this stage & because they're crippled by their undigested knowledge of women nature, they usually find it difficult to fall in love with a woman. They become incapable of expressing their emotions or even facing them.

You must not become like this.

You must take care not to become a monster because you're fighting the monster of simping & weak masculinity.

You must understand that a good woman is like clay in your hand & can be molded to become anything you want her to be, provided you're not weak yourself.

And with frame, you can bring her to her knees in unwavering loyalty & submission to you.


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