in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
In relationships, women either look up to their men or look down at them

Women never see relationship as equal partnership

There's nothing like equality in relationships. If you're on the same level with them, you're below them

They can hide it temporarily but if the man doesn't rise to take his proper position as the head, the disdain will eventually come out

If she thinks her value is higher than yours, it's only a matter of time before she rebels & that's when the relationship starts taking a deep dive down south

It's not rocket science

She didn't change. It's her nature to be at the receiving end (compliments, gifts, money, dicks etc).

She's made to receive, not to give.

That's why women are naturally submissive & compliant.

They are more suitable to receive & obey laws and orders unlike men who are stubborn & reckless.

Thus they CAN'T handle the power of being the head—the financial provider of the house. She'll definitely revolt!

That's why man to man, I won't advise you to marry a woman who's richer than you, esp when you're not doing something tangible

It's not about insecurity or whatever, there's no point in giving in up your financial power (That's the only power an average man has in a marriage)

She already controls the sexual power. And unless you're a man with frame & game, you can hardly wrestle this power from her hand (only a few men can successfully do this by the way)

That's why in most marriages, you often hear that the woman is denying the man sex.

Yes, that's the power she's flexing right there!

It's only when you understand game, that you can control the narrative sexually & bring her heart down to its knees in love

This is why every man MUST EMBRACE GAME!

So my point is,

No woman will control the Financial Power, together with the Sexual Power she already has in the bank & remain submissive to any man. No woman!

It cannot happen. She either controls one & you control the other.

That's why it's still possible, though rare, to see a relationship where the woman is richer than the man yet she's submissive.

It's because the man controls the sexual power of the relationship.

These things are not hard to understand.

But I'd always recommend that a man controls both the financial & the sexual power in any relationship

It makes the woman uncompromisingly submissive.

Last words, understand women nature. Trust her nature more than your feelings.

Don't make the mistake of thinking your woman is different from others. She's not. She's got a pussy. She'll act how other women who got pussies act when the chips are down.

Remember, what she is (irrational, erratic, emotional) takes precedence over what you think she ought to be (logical, reasonable, honourable)


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