The fault in our stars

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
95% of the young people in their early 20s & 30s feel:
  • Stuck
  • Depressed
  • Unaccomplished in life/career.

Wondering whether they’ll achieve it or make it in life.

Sounds like you?

Hope this helps someone.

[A Thread]

Listen, it is okay if you haven't figured out your life right now.

You're in a phase of:

  • Hustle.
  • Smiling.
  • Suffering.
  • Depression, &
  • Overthinking.

Don't lose hope.

Things change fast.

Don't know what to do? Try something new.

Take risks. It failed? That's fine. Repeat.

Forget the 10years plan.

Dreams and plans change with time.

When I was a boy, I wanted to be a SuperMan.

Today, my dreams have changed.

Take life one step at a time.

Things change fast.

Don't be anxious about anything.

Live in the moment.

You'll be okay someday, if you:

  • Put God 1st.
  • Stay humble.
  • Reinvent yourself.
  • Remove negative people.
  • Commit 500% to your goal.
  • Learn from all the mistakes, &
  • Keep building relevant skills.

Don't forget that:

  • Your environment.
  • The books you read.
  • The people you meet/ spend time with.
  • The kind of information you get exposed to.

Will contribute to your growth.

Personally, I’m in my 20s and I spend my time either:

  • Pivoting.
  • Trying new things
  • Learning new skills
  • Meeting new people
  • Going to new places
  • Making a difference in others’ lives.

It keeps me organized, excited, pumped up.

Now, go and win.


I'm happy to share as many valuable ideas as I can.

Thanks for reading.


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hahaha good tactic friend, although it is very valuable everything you mention in your post ideal to put it into practice. And with respect to the cover image is simply impossible to ignore. Regards

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you kind sir

  ·  2 years ago  ·