in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
The reason women don't usually go far in life is because SUCCESS for them is an option

A woman could decide to leave her career & focus on her marriage & home

And her career is usually her second choice, not her first (don't expect them to admit this though)

That's why all women have the instinct to be naturally hypergamous & settle for the best man who would make her life a living heaven—leisure-ful & stress-free

She can deceive everyone that she wants to be independent & work for her money.

Deep down, she knows she prefers to be "babied & spoiled" like a cute little girl she is

I mean who wouldn't choose a life of pleasure over a life of never-ending competition & struggle with patriarchs in a male's world?

She might call herself a "boss lady" "independent lady" & whatnot to flatter her ego that she doesn't need a man to be comfortable in life

By doing so, she also tries to conceal her intense craving & need to surrender to the loving authority of a man

Deep down, she knows her primal need is not to find SUCCESS but to find LOVE

That's why it's hard to find a lady who's worried about her career or future.

What they are all worried about is their relationships because they all know their future is in their relationships

Which is why they all invest in their looks so as to attract a worthy "hunter"

For the man, success is the ONLY OPTION. It is either he's successful or he's more successful

They are success objects. They have to work for money to get a decent life, to attract & marry a woman & take care of her & his kids by her

Men are less distracted by the dichotomy of having two options in their hands. That is, to choose between a career or a marriage as in the case of women

They are ALWAYS mandated to choose career

And that's why they dominate all fields of human endeavour

A thousand more years of feminism won't change that fact!


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