Gimme a break..!

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 
Few days ago, I went to mile 1 market, a popular market in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Just so I’ll get thrifts(okrika wears) for myself, knowing how much I’ve saved for it.

It happened that the particular stand I went, nobody seemed to patronize her, maybe because of how the manner she displayed of her goods, in a fashion whereas the more attractive clothes were underneath the less attractive ones.

Since I was in a bit of a hurry, even if I get few things that are attractive with the little sun I had, it’ll at least make me happy, because most of my wears are quite faded due to the level of detergent I use in washing them.

And I was quite upset with how I was delayed coming there and some other incident that happened on the way.

I got to Rumuola, the traffic congestion there was mad, all the way from Bori Camp down to Presidential bus stop (only those in Port Harcourt would know these places).
As if that was not enough, I opened the gala I bought to at least feast on while I wait for the vehicles to forge ahead, only from some animal person to snatch it from my hand and gave me a heavy knock. While running he was giving me that tongue out expression.

“What country did I find myself in”, I said while I was still contemplating on whether to pursue the hell out of him.

Then this particular passenger that snort while we embarked on this journey of minutes that took hours because of the bad traffic.

Now imagine two fat pigs clapping their ass together, and then whining it to probably scratch off leach or any other thing that can be scratched off, that’s how this man snorts, in broad day light.

Like how would he sleep in that noise, with so much peace.

Well, I got to the market and there I was lingering from one stand to another till I found that woman.

I got to select all that I wanted.

We chatted for a while though, like we’ve known ourselves before now. I just did that knowing how bad her day would be not getting a single patronage, her words exactly.

Was about paying for what I got, when one fine looking young lady got to me and asked her of the bills. She rushed and told her #25000 while what I got for was just #10000.

In shock, watching the whole scenario go down, she paid with bank transfer.

I didn’t know when I said “thank you ma”

Then she left, to go get whatever she was buying. There I was telling the woman to give me #5000 or I’ll return the clothes.

She did and we were both happy again. She blessed me.

So I got to the bus stop where I’d take a bus home, not knowing the young lady was following me since, I don’t know why.

She got to me and at once I remembered her and told her thank you for everything she did.

Then she began

Her: it’s fine honey. Can I get your number.

Me: Why?

Her: Because I like you. You are kinda cute.

Me: (smiles) ohh thank you. But I don’t give my numbers to strangers.

Her: Why? Considering all I just did, I’m still a stranger to you?

Me: All you did, I thanked you for.

Her: Well, that’s not enough. I want something more.

Me: (weighed her from head to toe) I’m sorry you’re not even my type.

walks out


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That was an harsh word to say to a lady 😆😆😆😆 Not your type

Well, I think, I admire her courage to even come to you. Perhaps you could have at least consider and be friends with her. No one knows!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Maybe cause I didn’t include it, she clearly needed knack 😂

Oh! 😅Now, I get.

  ·  2 years ago  ·